Βυζαντινό και
ρωμαϊκό Δίκαιο
ρωμαϊκό Δίκαιο
τεύχος 10
This online edition serves as an archive – hence the last volume will
appear online no earlier than a year after its publication on paper.
appear online no earlier than a year after its publication on paper.
On the alienation of the dowry. Remarks concerning the application of
the Senatus Consultum Velleianum and διδασκαλία τοῦ νόμου in Byzantine Law
the Senatus Consultum Velleianum and διδασκαλία τοῦ νόμου in Byzantine Law
M.Th. Tantalos
Ancient beliefs on the essence of sanctity. Further Eastern attestations
of a lost Gaian excursus
of a lost Gaian excursus
H. Weber
For the mouth of the Emperor hath spoken it. Some notes on C. 1,14,12
and the prohibition of commentaries in const. Tanta
and the prohibition of commentaries in const. Tanta
Th.E. van Bochove
‘There is safety in numbers’ – when written in full. The Florentine
Index auctorum and its subscriptio revisited
Index auctorum and its subscriptio revisited
Th.E. van Bochove
Did Paul cause an interpolation in the second Code? A glance into the
kitchen of Justinian‘s codification project
kitchen of Justinian‘s codification project
F. Brandsma
The changing status of the mandata principis
J.H.A. Lokin
A witness of Byzantine legal practice in the twelfth century. Some
remarks on the construction of the Ecloga Basilicorum
remarks on the construction of the Ecloga Basilicorum
D. Penna
Thirty Years Later. Past, Present and Future of Editing the Basilica
B.H. Stolte
N. van der Wal
doi.org/10.21827/5ce7e596e1a46. ΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ, 20.6.2020.
ΛΕΞΕΙΣ: Βυζαντινος νομος, ρωμαικος νομος, Βυζαντινο δικαιο, ρωμαικο δικαιο, Βυζαντινοι νομοι, ρωμαικοι νομοι, διδασκαλια του νομου, Τανταλος, Βεργου, ελληνικο δικαιο, Ιουστινιανος