15.2 C
Τρίτη, 18 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025

Η ελληνική γραμματεία, του TLG, εμπλουτίζεται συνεχώς! – του Γ. Λεκάκη

Η ελληνική γραμματεία,
του TLG,
εμπλουτίζεται συνεχώς

Του Γιώργου Λεκάκη

Στις 3 Σεπτεμβρίου 2020 ολοκληρώθηκε
η τριμηνιαία ενημέρωση του «σώματος» / 
corpus της ελληνικής γραμματείας, με 73
έργα από 36 συγγραφείς.

Στις προσθήκες
περιλαμβάνονται οι επιστολές του Μιχαήλ Ψελλού, έργα των Ωριγένη, Ευσεβίου,
Θεοδώρου Μετοχίτη, Ευθυμίου Ζυγαβινού, Βησαρίωνος, Καισάριου Δαπόντε, Νεοφύτου
Δούκα, Νικολάου Σοφιανού, και διαφόρων άλλών αγιογραφικών έργων…


September 3, 2020: Our quarterly corpus update with seventy three works
from thirty-six authors is done. Additions include Michael Psellus’ letters, works
by Origen, Eusebius, Theodore Metochites, Euthymius Zigabenus, Bessarion,
Caesarius Dapontes, Neophytus Ducas, Nicolaus Sophianus and a number of
hagiographical works:

2042     ORIGENES Theol. (1 work)

085 Fragmenta ex commentariis in evangelium Matthaei (in catenis)

2702     Michael PSELLUS Epist.,
Hagiogr., Phil., Polyhist. et Theol. (2 works)

051 Epistulae

052 Dubia, incerta, excerpta, sententiae, retractationes, et epistulae
aliorum auctorum in collectione Pselli preservatae

(1 work)

010 Chronographia Anonyma (e cod. Par. gr. 854)

Eccl. (17 works)

008 Commentarius in Pauli epistulam ad Ephesios

009 Commentarius in Pauli epistulam ad Philippenses

010 Commentarius in Pauli epistulam ad Colossenses

011 Commentarius in Pauli epistulam ad Thessalonicenses i

012 Commentarius in Pauli epistulam ad Thessalonicenses ii

013 Commentarius in Pauli epistulam ad Timotheum i

014 Commentarius in Pauli epistulam ad Timotheum ii

015 Commentarius in Pauli epistulam ad Titum

016 Commentarius in Pauli epistulam ad Philemonem

017 Commentarius in Pauli epistulam ad Hebraeos

018 Commentarius in Jacobi catholicam epistulam

019 Commentarius in Petri catholicam epistulam i

020 Commentarius in Petri catholicam epistulam ii

021 Commentarius in Joannis catholicam epistulam i

022 Commentarius in Joannis catholicam epistulam ii

023 Commentarius in Joannis catholicam epistulam iii

024 Commentarius in Judae catholicam epistulam

Biogr., Hagiogr. et Hist. (6 works)

018 Vita Abramii confessoris (BHG 8)

024 Passio sanctorum Marciani et Martyrii notarii (BHG 1029)

026 Vita Ananiae apostoli (BHG 76)

027 Passio sanctae Anastasiae

028 Passio sancti Anthimi episcopi Nicomediae (BHG 135)

029 Passio sancti Babylae martyris Antiochiae

3191     Theodorus METOCHITES Phil.
et Polyhist. (2 works)

021 Orationes

022 Chrysobulli prooemium

3229     BESSARION Rhet. et Theol.
(1 work)

023 Laudatio sancti Bessarionis (e cod. Marc. gr. 533) (BHG 2063)

3390     Joannes JEJUNATOR Scr.
Eccl. et Theol. (3 works)

001 Libellus Poenitentialis

002 Sermo de poenitentia

003 Sermo de poenitentia, et continentia, et virginitate

4124     EUSEBIUS Scr. Eccl. (1

014 Commentarii in Genesim (fragmenta e catenis)

(1 work)

001 Oratio ad praefectum Athenarum (e cod. Escorial. 265 [Y II 10])

4491     Alexius ARISTENUS Theol.
(3 works)

001 Scholia in canones apostolorum

002 Scholia in concilia oecumenica et localia

003 Scholia in canones Basilii Magni

4495     BASILIUS Metropolita
Neopatrensis Theol. (1 work)

001 Prologus interpretationis sanctorum XII prophetarum

4496     THEODORUS Episcopus
Iconensis Hagiogr. (1 work)

001 In martyrium sanctorum Ciryci et Julittae

4497     Eustathius BOILAS Acta et
Legal. (1 work)

001 Testamentum (e cod. Par. Coisl. gr. 263)

5123     VITA S. AUXENTII Hagiogr.
(1 work)

003 Vita sancti Auxentii Bithyniae

ZEBEDAEI Hagiogr. (1 work)

002 Acta Jacobi Zebedaei (e cod. Par. gr. 1534)

Hagiogr. (1 work)

001 Vita sancti Niphoni (BHG 1371)

Hagiogr. (1 work)

001 Vita sancti Philothei (BHG 1534)

Hagiogr. (2 works)

001 Passio sanctae Anysiae

002 Passio sanctae Anysiae (sub auctore Gregorio monacho) (BHG 145)

EPISCOPI CYPRII Hagiogr. (1 work)

001 Vita sancti Triphylii (BHG 2462)

ANACHORITAE Hagiogr. (1 work)

001 Acoluthia sancti Bessarionis (e cod. Par. gr. 345)

ET MARTYRII NOTARII Hagiogr. (2 works)

001 Passio sanctorum Marciani et Martyrii notarii (e cod. Hierosol.
Sab.27, saec. xi)

002 Passio longior sanctorum Marciani et Martyrii notarii (e cod. Paris.
graec. 1468, saec. xi) (BHG 1028z)

Hagiogr. (1 work)

001 Passio sanctae Sirae (BHG 1637)

Hagiogr. (3 works)

001 Passio sanctae Aecaterinae (BHG 30)

002 Passio sanctae Aecaterinae (BHG 30a)

003 Passio sanctae Aecaterinae (BHG 31)

PERSAE Hagiogr. (2 works)

001 Vita et passio sancti Dometii Persae (BHG 560)

002 Vita brevior (e cod. Mosquensi) (BHG 561)


001 Vita sancti Amphilochii episcopi Iconiensis (BHG 73)

APOSTOLI Hagiogr. (1 work)

001 Passio s. Aquilae Apostoli

Hagiogr. (1 work)

001 Passio sanctae Anthusae

HIEROSOLYMITANI Jurisprud. et Legal. (2 works)

001 Assisiae (e cod. Par. Suppl. gr. 465)

002 Assisiarum pars altera (e cod. Par. gr. 1390 [Colbert 4723])

AELIANUM Schol. (1 work)

001 Scholia in Claudii Aeliani libros de natura animalium

9077     Angelus POLITIANUS Poeta
(1 work)

001 Carmina

9501     Caesarius DAPONTES
Chronogr. et Poeta (4 works)

002 Κῆπος Χαρίτων

007 Peregrinatio ad Crimaeam

008 Excerpta e geographia historica

009 Fabulae

9503     Neophytus DUCAS Epist.,
Gramm. et Rhet. (2 works)

001 Epistulae (a. 1818-1835)

003 Epistulae (a. 1839-1844)

9505     Nicolaus SOPHIANUS Gramm.
(1 work)

001 Ars grammatica

Scr. Eccl. et Theol.
(1 work)

002 Bellum Tartarorum

9518     Joannes MANTHUS Chronogr. (1 work)


Ακολούθησαν οι ενημερώσεις:

26.9.2024: The TLG has been updated with 21 new works. Additions include the Odes of Andreas Kalvos, the Nomocanon of Manuel Malaxus, Manuel Gedeon’s Παιδεία καὶ Πτωχεία, the Κυριακοδρόμιον of Germanus II and other Byzantine and post-Byzantine works. In addition, we are pleased to announce the release of the online version of the Historical Dictionary of Modern Greek (Ἱστορικὸν Λεξικὸν τῆς Νέας Ἑλληνικῆs), the national historical lexicographic enterprise of Modern Greece. This is the result of our collaboration with the Academy of Athens and the Research Centre of Modern Greek Dialects. For more information about the project, please click here.

June 27, 2024: The TLG has been updated with 27 new works. Additions include the Exploits (Ἀνδραγαθήματα) of Mercurios Boua by Tzanes Coronaeos, the epistles of J. Capodistrias, Agapios Landos’ Geoponica, several medieval and late chronicles from Zacynthos, and hymnographical works by Josephus the Hymnographer, N. Malaxos, and Photios.

March 27, 2024: The TLG has been updated with 45 new works. Additions include works by Procopius, Andronicus Palaeologus, Michael Sphrantzes, Tzanes Bounales, Nicodemus the Hagiorite, Eugenius Bulgares and others. This release also includes the Βίος of the revolutionary figure Papaflessas written by Photius Chrysanthopoulos and the Ἀπομνημονεύματα of Germanus III (Palaion Patron Germanos).

December 15, 2023: The TLG has been updated with 53 new works from 47 authors. They include works by Michael Choniates, Nicephorus Gregoras, Theodore Prodromus, Symeon Metaphrastes, Michael Psellus, Joannes Tzetzes, and other Byzantine authors. As part of our expansion to the post-Byzantine period, this installment includes Antonius Achelis’ chronography “De Obsidione Maltae,” Agapius Landus’ Νέος Παράδεισος and Ἁμαρτωλῶν Σωτηρία, Elias Meniates’ Πέτρα σκανδάλου, and the Αὐτοβιογραφία of Ioannis Capodistrias / ΚΑΠΟΔΙΣΤΡΙΑΣ, the first Governor of the modern Greek state.

September 28, 2023: The TLG has been updated with 88 new works from 50 authors. Updates include works by Byzantine authors, such as Bessarion, Constantine Porphyrogenitus, Pseudo-Eusebius, Michael Louloudes, Constantine Pantechnes, Philagathus Cerameus, Michael Psellus, a number of hagiographical works, and two works by the 18th c. theologian Nectarius Terpus.

June 22, 2023: The TLG has been updated with 68 new works from 33 authors.. Updates include works by Theodorus PRODROMUS, ARSENIUS Eremita, DALMATIUS, PROCLUS, BASILIUS Seleuciensis, GREGORIUS Antiochenus, JOANNES DAMASCENUS, Nicolaus MUZALON, Georgius PACHYMERES, Charitonymus HERMONYMUS and several other Byzantine authors.

March 29, 2023: The TLG has been updated with 70 new works from 51 authors. Additions include works by Byzantine authors, such as Theodorus Prodromus, Joannes TZETZES , Nicephorus Chrysoberges, Theodorus PEDIASIMUS, GREGORIUS II Patriarcha and others. Post-Byzantine additions include works by Georgius AETOLUS, Leonardus PHORTIUS, PROCOPIUS NAZIANZENUS, Antonius BUBULES, Basilius VATATZES, and Jacobus TRIBOLES.

December 21, 2022: The TLG has been updated with 82 new works from 64 authors. Additions include works by Byzantine authors, such as Theodorus Prodromus, Anastasius of Sina, Nicephorus Chrysoberges, Gregorius Asbestas, Nicetas Magister and a number of hagiographical works. Post-Byzantine additions include works by Arsenius Caloudes, Matthaeus Myrensis, Joannes Ventramus, Nikodemus Hagiorita, Theophilus Corudaleus, Marcus Depharanas and Adamantius Coraes.

September 14, 2022: The TLG has just been updated with 123 new works from 107 authors. Updates include a number of comic fragments (most notably Aristophanes) based on the Kassel-Austin edition, works by Joannes Mauropus, Eudocia, Anastasius Sinaites, Nilus Doxapatres, Constantinus Manasses, Theodorus Daphnopates, Scholarius, Marcus Eugenicus, Theophilus Corydaleus, Demetrius Moschus, Meletius Pegas Maximus Peloponnesius, and Jacob Meloetes among others.

June 29, 2022: The TLG has just been updated with 87 new works from 73 authors. New additions include a number of comic fragments from the Kassel-Austin edition–a much anticipated addition–as well as a number of hagiographical works.

April 14, 2022: The TLG has just been updated with 122 new works from 70 authors. New additions include works by Joannes Mauropous, Theodore Studites, Theodore Daphnopates, Gregorius Antiochus, Mattheus Blastares, Damascius, Gregorius Choniades, Joannes Tzetzes, Manuel Moschopoulos, Caesarius Dapontes, updated texts for Diogenes Laertius, Synesius Phil., Porphyry’s De abstinentia, and more. This release features V. Cornaros 17th c. Cretan romance Erotocritus, J. Macrygiannis’ letters, and A. Dmitrievskij’s edition of the Euchologia which was digitized from the translation prepared by the Vienna Euchologia project.

January 21, 2022: The TLG has just been updated with 120 new texts from 37 authors. These include updated editions of Euripides’ fragments, Lycophron’s Alexandra, Demosthenes, Antocides, Antiphon, Valerius Apsines, and Maximus Confessor, additions to Philodemus On Poems ii and On Rhetoric i, new texts by Josephus Melodus, Christophorus Zonaras, Elias Cretensis, Joannes Cyparissiotes, Anastasius I Patriarcha and other Byzantine authors. As part of the TLG expansion to early modern and modern periods and in celebration of the bicentennial of the Greek Revolution of 1821, the memoirs of General Theodore Colocotronis have been added to the corpus.

September 29, 2021: The TLG has been updated with 86 works from 52 authors. The new additions include a number of hagiographical works as well as works by Philodemus, Apollinaris, Arethas, Maximus Confessor, Casia, Epiphanius Hagiopolita, Demetrrius Triclinius, Neophytus Ducas, Chrysanthus Patriarch and others.

June 30, 2021: The TLG has been updated with 108 works from 69 authors. The new additions include a large number of hagiographical works as well as works by Alexius Studites, Georgius Bardanes, Nicephorus Blemmydes, Isaacius Syrius, Theodore Studies, Cyrillus Lucares, Nicetas Paphlagonius and several others. This release also includes Scholia to two books of the Odyssey and the late Byzantine romance of Alexander and Semiramis.

March 10, 2021: The TLG has been updated with 148 works from 53 authors. The new additions include a large number of hagiographical works by Symeon Metaphrastes. Thanks are due to Professor Stratis Papaioannou for providing us with a list of Metaphrastes’ works. The update also includes works by Nicetas David, Theodorus Studites, Leontius, Joannes Xiphilinus, Nicephorus Callistus Xanthopoulos, Georgius Metochites, Joannes, Geometres, Maximus Planudes, Constantinus Meliteniotes, Joannes Cucuzeles, Dionysius ὁ ἐκ Φουρνᾶ and others.

December 16, 2020: Our quarterly corpus update has added 126 new works from 79 authors. It includes a number of hagiographical works, the Acta of the Church of Jerusalem, and works by Andreas Cretensis, Basilius Minimus, Nicolaus Cerameus, Theodore Daphnopates, Euth. Zigabenus, Nicolaus Lucanus and several others.

Είχαν προηγηθεί οι ενημερώσεις:

29.6.2020: We have completed our quarterly corpus update. Fifty four works from 28 authors have been added. They include the Dynameron by Nicolaus Myrepsos, Rhazes’ Λόγος περὶ Λοιμικῆς, a long anonymous mathematical treatise and a number of hagiographical works. Lemma search has been expanded to include grammatical analysis when results are listed by grammar. Total wordcounts by century have been added to Statistics. We are pleased to release our searchable version of S. Koumanoudes’ Συναγωγή νέων λέξεων. This lexicon was first published in Athens in 1900 a year after Koumanoudes’ death and contains 60,000 lemmata extracted mostly from jounrals and contemporary documents. Koumanoudes’ earlier lexicon (Συναγωγή λέξεων αθησαυρίστων) published in 1883, will also appear soon as part of the TLG corpus expansion into the post-byzantine and modern period. The lexicon is linked to our texts and can be consulted online.

April 9, 2020: The TLG has just been updated with 58 new texts from 32 authors. Additions include works by Euthymios Zigabenus, Constantine Acropolites, Nicodemos Hagiorita, Callinicos III patriarch and a number of Byzantine lives of saints. We are pleased to announce the release of the final fascicle of LBG. The full LBG can now be consulted online.

December 16, 2019: The TLG has just been updated with 50 new texts from 29 authors. Additions include a number of Byzantine and post-Byzantine works from Caesarius DAPONTES, Cyrillus LUCARES, PROCOPIUS NAZIANZENUS, Demetrius MOSCHUS and many others.

August 20, 2019: The TLG has just been updated with 91 new texts from 52 authors . Additions includes a number of Byzantine and post-Byzantine works (by E. Limenites, N. Capianus, S. Sachlices, C. Lucares, M. Myrinaeus, Patriarch Parthenius and others, part of the ongoing expansion of the corpus to later periods) several monastic documents and lives of saints, two mathematical texts and a number of works by Severian (TLG 4139). Thanks are due to Katherin Papadopoulos who shared her transcriptions of MPG texts and Drs. Sever Voicu and Richard Bishop for their suggestions regarding the Severian corpus.

April 10, 2019: The corpus has been updated with thirty six new texts from twenty (20) authors. New texts include the works Dositheus Patriarcha, Andreas of Crete, Demetrius Cydones, Eustathius, , Guarinus of Verona, Theodore Metochites and several other authors. Automatic lemma recognition is now up to 98.360%.

February 27, 2019: The corpus has been updated with thirty one (31) new texts from twenty (20) authors. The Text Search user interface has been revised to allow the user the flexibility to expand the page (right or left). Automatic lemma recognition is now up to 98.362%.

November 14, 2018: The corpus has been updated with forty three (43) new texts from twenty four (24) authors. Additions include R.P.J. Goar’s edition of the Euchologia, the Chronicle of Turkish Sultans, Tzetzes’ Carmina Iliaca and Allegories to the Odyssey, several legal texts works by Bessarion, M. Cantacuzenus, M.Gavalas, G.Pisides, A. Gordius and others. The new release includes a number of upgrades and new features. The N-grams page now offers the option to select the number of n-grams and lemma in addition to wordforms. A progress bar has been added. In Parallel Browsing, the comparison of texts now includes stop-words for greater accuracy.

August 10, 2018: The corpus has been updated with forty four (44) new texts from twenty seven (27) authors.

April 13, 2018: The TLG is recruiting for a Full-Time Research Associate with a Ph.D. in Classics or Byzantine Philology to join its team.

March 29, 2018: The corpus has been updated with seventy three (73) new texts from forty seven (47) authors.

Dec. 6, 2017: The corpus has been updated with forty six (46) new texts from twenty nine (29) authors.

June 6, 2017: The corpus has been updated with thirty (30) new texts from fourteen (14) authors.

March 15, 2017: The TLG is recruiting for two posiitons: We are looking for a Full-Time Research Associate with a Ph.D. in Classics or Byzantine Philology to oversee our digitization process and a Full-time Research Associate to join our software development team.

Feb. 21, 2017: The corpus has been updated with one hundred twenty eight (128) new texts from sixty one (61) authors. This new release also includes a number of fixes and improvements. Lemma recognition is now up to 98.243% from 98.189% in June 2016. A number of improvements have been made including the ability to retrieve the username (and password) and the option to turn off the hyperlinks in browser mode.

June 30, 2016: The corpus has been updated with seventy eight (78) new texts from forty three (43) authors. This new release also includes a number of fixes and improvements. Canon data and statistics have been streamline date ranges and uncertain dates are now searchable separately and the Canon can be searched by TLG Canon number. The new TLG interface has moved to a new server for improved speed and accessibility. As of this release, all lexica require login.

Aug. 20, 2015: The corpus has been updated with one hundred twentry one (121) new texts from sixty three (63) authors. New features and improvements include: The complete list of authors — a popular feature of the original site has been added to the Canon page; new diagrams have been added to Statistics; the ability to expand the text in the Browser page has been implemented together with various adjustments to improve web accessibility. This new release also includes a number of minor fixes.

Feb. 4, 2015: The corpus has been updated with seventy three (73) new texts from thirty eight (38) authors. New additions to the corpus include works by Callistus ANGELICUDES {4433}, BARLAAM Calabrius {3159} Nicephorus BLEMMYDES {3092}, Manuel CALECAS {3230}, CASSIUS Iatrosophista {0733},CHRISTOPHORUS Mytilenaeus {3019}, Manuel CHRYSOLORAS {3348}, Georgius CHUMNUS {5505}, Demetrius CYDONES {3197}, Joannes CYPARISSIOTES {3248}, DOROTHEUS Mytilenaeus {3349}, Letters ?-? from ETYMOLOGICUM SYMEONIS {4311}, GEORGIUS CHORTATZES {5500}, GERMANUS II {2938}, Gregorius PALAMAS {3254}, Marinus PHALIERUS {4398}, SYMEON THESSALONICENSIS {3232} and several others.

October 6, 2014: The TLG is pleased to release the online version of the Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität (LBG) This site is the result of a collaboration between LBG and the Thesaurus Linguae Graecae (TLG®). In March 2012, the LBG and TLG began conversations about digitizing the existing volumes of LBG and linking them to the TLG texts. The TLG team worked on converting the files into XML format and incorporating them into the TLG online system. The first six fascicles published by the Austrian Academy of Sciences (Die Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften) have been included in this release covering letters A-P. The Online LBG can be viewed and searched at: http://stephanus.tlg.uci.edu/lbg.

April 22, 2014: The corpus has been updated with forty seven (47) new texts from twenty six authors. New additions to the corpus include the Homeric Epimerismi, the Lexicon on Syntax, and works by Apollonius Dyscolus, Michael Attaliates, Prochorus Cydones, Jacobus Monachus, Michael Cerularius, Georgius Pelagonius and others.

May 25, 2013: The corpus has been updated with ninety-eight new texts from thirty-four authors including Philodemus, Flavius Philostratus, Eustathius, Symeon Neotheologus, G. Tornices, Gregorius Acindynus, Gregorius Antiochus, Antonius Studites, N. Cabasilas, and others.

Sept. 26, 2012:The TLG was moved to a new server. Forty-four new works, mostly hagiographical, have been added to the corpus. Cunliffe’s 1924 Lexicon of the Homeric Dialect is now linked to the TLG texts.

Sept. 1, 2012: Konstantinos Palaiologos (2011 Ph.D. RHUL, United Kingdom) joins the TLG as a Research Associate.

July 1, 2012: Stephanie Roussou (2011 Ph.D. Oxford University) joins the TLG as a Research Associate.

July 7, 2011: The corpus has been updated with thirty-eight new texts from fourteen authors, such as Joannes Geometres, Gregorius Pardus, Joannes Beccus, Nicetas Byzantius and others. Automatic recognition of the lemmatized corpus is up to 96.2%.

February 23, 2011: The TLG is pleased to announce the release of the Online Liddell-Scott Jones, the premier lexicon for ancient Greek. All lemmata and word forms in the TLG corpus are now linked to a new dictionary page that contains links to LSJ. The lexicon is open to the public. Read moreabout the LSJ project about the project. With this release Dindorf’s scholia to Euripides have also been added to the corpus.

September 2, 2010: The TLG corpus has been updated with fifty-seven new texts from twenty-one (21) authors, drawn from a variety of historical periods: The Periplous Maris Erythraei and Aristophanes’ plays have been updated with new editions. As usual, the earlier editions can still be browsed and searched via the Abridged TLG. The Byzantine collection now includes Michael Psellus’ Περὶ τραγῳδίας Theodore Prodromus’ Tetrasticha and a large number of new hagiographical works. From the later periods, F. Scoufos’ Ὁ Γραμματοφόροςi and Leo Allatius’ Hellas are among the new additions.

August 20, 2010: The TLG seeks to add two members to its team, a Programmer / Analyst to maintain and expand its search engine and a Research Associate to supervise its digitization projects. For more information, please contact the TLG.

May 6, 2010: Sixteen (16) new texts added to the corpus. Additions include Philodemus, De Ira, the Hexabiblos, K. Harmenopoulos’ 14th century law collection, two Byzantine novels (Belthandrus and Chrysantza, Libistrus and Rhodamne), and several lamentations for Constantinople.

January 26, 2010: A new corpus update was completed with twenty-four (24) new texts added to the corpus. Additions include new works by Michael Psellus and Joannes Tzetzes, several vernacular works (Libistrus and Rhodamne, Bellum Troianum and Historia Belisarii, Georgius Chortatzes’ Cretan play, Erofile) and updated editions of Moeris’ Lexicon, Cyril’s Epistulae Paschales and Eudocia Augusta’s Homerocentones. Automatic recognition in the lemmatized corpus is now up to 95% accounting for 99.86% of all word instances. 300 lemmata from DGE missing from the other lexica have been added and disambiguation of forms has improved.

October 29-30, 2009: Reclaiming the Past, Envisioning the Future: A Conference to celebrate the 37th anniversary of the TLG.

October 29, 2009 marked the 37th anniversary since the establishment of the Project. The TLG held a conference to celebrate the event and honor the memory of Theodore F. Brunner (1934-2007), founding TLG Director. The conference program information is available at the conference page: http://www.tlg.uci.edu/2009conference/ Click here to see the Anniversary video produced for this event and a photo retrospective dedicated to Theodore Brunner.

July 15, 2009: The TLG was mentioned in Inside Higher Ed (Digitally–and Financially Viable) and the Chronicle of Higher Education (How to Help Digital Resources Thrive, Even in Hard Times) in articles related to the sustainability study conducted by the Ithaca group.

March 12, 2009: The TLG site has just been updated. The new page includes a brief history of the TLG illustrated by a timeline, a link to Google Maps showing TLG Real-Time Access and FAQs for subscribers. The Abridged version has been expanded with more than 600 works from Migne’s Patrologia Graeca (MPG). The lemmatized search engine is now available on the Abridged version.

February 11, 2009: 23 new works from 12 authors and work collections have been added to the Online TLG. They include works by Pseudo-Gregentius, Constantinus Stilbes, Georgius Tornices, Manuel Carantenus, Joannes Phrangopulos, Rhetorius, Andronicus II Palaeologus, historiographical works about the Byzantine emperors and a new edition of Socrates Scholasticus’ Historia ecclesiastica. The code for lemmatized searches is stable enough and has been removed from Beta Phase and incorporated into the search engine. Lemmatization of the corpus has reached approximately 95% recognition but remains an ongoing project.TLG Library

September 1, 2008: After 18 years on the third floor of Berkeley Place the TLG had to move to make room for the new UCI Law School. We moved to University Tower at the University Center in September 2008.

ελληνικη γραμματεια, Μιχαηλ Ψελλος, Ωριγενης, Ευσεβιος, Θεοδωρος Μετοχιτης, κηπος χαριτων, Ευθυμιος Ζυγαβινος, Βησαριωνας, Βησσαριων, Καισαριος Δαποντες, Νεοφυτος Δουκας, Νικολαος Σοφιανος, αγιογραφικα εργα εργο βιβλιο βιβλια χαμενα χαμενο ψηφιακη ψηφιακο ψηφιακα βιβλιοθηκη αρχαιων ελληνων συγγραφεων αρχαιοι ελληνες συγγραφεις αρχαιος ελληνας συγγραφεας
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Η Τουρκία «εργαλειοποιεί» τους Έλληνες μουσουλμάνους της Θράκης

Του Γιάννη Χ. Κουριαννίδη, διευθυντή περιοδικού «Ενδοχώρα», endohora@yahoo.gr Για άλλη...

Περιοδικό «ΘΙΑΣΟΣ» για ερευνητικά θέματα αρχαίων πολιτισμών

Το «ΘΙΑΣΟΣ / Thiasos» είναι μια διαδικτυακή εκδοτική πρωτοβουλία,...

ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΟ, και όχι φοινικικό το αλφάβητο – του Αν. Στάμου

Τοῦ καθηγητοῦ Ἀναστασίου Στάμου Ἡ 9η Φεβρουαρίου ἀπὸ τὸ 2017...