8.6 C
Πέμπτη, 13 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025

95η επέτειος της Καταστροφής της Σμύρνης

95th Anniversary of the Smyrna Catastrophe


Today marks the 95th Anniversary of the Smyrna Catastrophe, the final
horrific act of the Ottoman Greek Genocide, which effectively ended the
3,000-year cultural presence of Hellenism on the shores of Asia Minor.
Designated by the Greek Government in 1998, September 14th serves as a day of
remembrance for all Greek victims of the Genocide from Asia Minor.
On September 13, 1922, Kemalist forces, which had entered the city of
Smyrna on September 9th, set fire to the Greek and Armenian quarters of the
city, in a last attempt to complete the extermination of indigenous Christian
minorities from Turkey. The blaze, which would rage on for 10 days, was finally
extinguished on September 22, 1922. According to Professor Rudolf Rummel, the
Smyrna Catastrophe is estimated to have taken approximately 100,000 Greek and
Armenians lives.
This year, the American Hellenic Council is proud to host, in
cooperation with the Armenian Assembly of America, the Federation of Hellenic
American Societies of Southern California, and the Huffington Center, the first
ever United We Remember commemoration in honor of the innocent victims of the
Greek Genocide of Asia Minor. The event, which will take place on Sunday,
September 17th at 12:30 pm, with featured guest speakers Dr. Jim Dimitriou and
Dr. Eric Esrailian, and will also be accompanied by a free screening of the
Hollywood blockbuster film, The Promise.
Those able are asked to please join us this Sunday at the Huffington
Center, as Greek, Armenian, and Assyrian communities come together to mark this
important day in our collective history. For although the Turkish Government’s
policy of denial continues to prevent the proper recognition of our Genocide,
the American Hellenic Council will continue the struggle for justice alongside
the Armenian and Assyrian communities until this dark moment in history is
recognized worldwide.

The Huffington Center 
1324 Normandie Ave 
Los Angeles, CA 90006
Ioannis Fidanakis
Executive Director

American Hellenic Council

ΔΕΙΤΕ επίσης:
1922 (Η καταστροφή της Σμύρνης) – η απαγορευμένη ταινία του Νίκου Κούνδουρου:
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