βοηθούν τους ανθρώπους
βοηθούν τους ανθρώπους
να επιβιώσουν στην Αρκτική, περισσότερα από 10.000
Σύγκριση DNA λύκου
33.000 χρόνων
33.000 χρόνων
και σκύλου 9.500 χρόνων
Του Γιώργου Λεκάκη
Σκυλιά προσαρμοσμένα στο κρύο,
βοήθησαν τους πρώτους ανθρώπους να επιβιώσουν στην Αρκτική, πριν από περισσότερα
από 10.000 χρόνια.
βοήθησαν τους πρώτους ανθρώπους να επιβιώσουν στην Αρκτική, πριν από περισσότερα
από 10.000 χρόνια.
Νέα μελέτη έδειξε ότι η
γενεαλογία των «σκύλων ελκήθρων» μπορεί να είναι 15.000 χρόνων.
γενεαλογία των «σκύλων ελκήθρων» μπορεί να είναι 15.000 χρόνων.
Τα σκυλιά είχαν ήδη
διαφορετικούς πληθυσμούς πριν από 10.000 χρόνια.
διαφορετικούς πληθυσμούς πριν από 10.000 χρόνια.
Η εξημέρωσή του συνέβη αρκετά
πριν από αυτό…
πριν από αυτό…
Άρα το κυνήγι (θήρα με κύνα)
είναι εξ ίσου αρχαίο…
είναι εξ ίσου αρχαίο…
ΠΗΓΗ: Mikkel-Holger S. Sinding, Shyam
Gopalakrishnan, Jazmín Ramos-Madrigal, Marc de Manuel, Vladimir V. Pitulko, Lukas
Kuderna, Tatiana R. Feuerborn, Laurent A. F. Frantz, Filipe G. Vieira, Jonas
Niemann, Jose A. Samaniego Castruita, Christian Carøe, Emilie U.
Andersen-Ranberg, Peter D. Jordan, Elena Y. Pavlova, Pavel A. Nikolskiy, Aleksei
K. Kasparov, Varvara V. Ivanova, Eske Willerslev, Pontus Skoglund, Merete
Fredholm, Sanne Eline Wennerberg, Mads Peter Heide-Jørgensen, Rune Dietz, Christian
Sonne, Morten Meldgaard, Love Dalén, Greger Larson, Bent Petersen, Thomas
Sicheritz-Pontén, Lutz Bachmann, Øystein Wiig, Tomas Marques-Bonet, Anders J.
Hansen, M. Thomas P. Gilbert «Arctic-adapted dogs emerged at the Pleistocene–Holocene transition», στο Science, 26 Jun 2020, αρ. 368, Issue 6498, pp. 1495-1499, DOI:
10.1126/science.aaz8599, NBC News, 25.6.2020. AJA. ΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ, 26.6.2020.
Gopalakrishnan, Jazmín Ramos-Madrigal, Marc de Manuel, Vladimir V. Pitulko, Lukas
Kuderna, Tatiana R. Feuerborn, Laurent A. F. Frantz, Filipe G. Vieira, Jonas
Niemann, Jose A. Samaniego Castruita, Christian Carøe, Emilie U.
Andersen-Ranberg, Peter D. Jordan, Elena Y. Pavlova, Pavel A. Nikolskiy, Aleksei
K. Kasparov, Varvara V. Ivanova, Eske Willerslev, Pontus Skoglund, Merete
Fredholm, Sanne Eline Wennerberg, Mads Peter Heide-Jørgensen, Rune Dietz, Christian
Sonne, Morten Meldgaard, Love Dalén, Greger Larson, Bent Petersen, Thomas
Sicheritz-Pontén, Lutz Bachmann, Øystein Wiig, Tomas Marques-Bonet, Anders J.
Hansen, M. Thomas P. Gilbert «Arctic-adapted dogs emerged at the Pleistocene–Holocene transition», στο Science, 26 Jun 2020, αρ. 368, Issue 6498, pp. 1495-1499, DOI:
10.1126/science.aaz8599, NBC News, 25.6.2020. AJA. ΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ, 26.6.2020.
Genome of Ancient Arctic Sled Dog Analyzed
Researchers have compared the genome of a 9,500-year-old dog who lived
at a site on Siberia’s Zhokhov Island, where archaeological evidence of
dogsleds was also recovered, with DNA extracted from a 33,000-year-old wolf’s
jaw found in northeastern Siberia, and the genomes of 134 modern sled dog
breeds, including Alaskan and Siberian huskies, Alaskan malamutes, and
Greenland dogs. The study found that the ancient dog had long fur and thick
foot pads, and shared many genes with modern sled dog breeds. The Greenland
dogs, long thought to be the closest modern breed to ancient sled dogs, were
found to be genetically closest to the wolf, while the modern sled dogs were
more closely related to the Greenland dogs than other dog breeds. The study
also suggests that the sled dog lineage may date back some 15,000 years. “Dogs
already had different populations 10,000 years ago, and one would imagine that
domestication happened quite a bit of time before that,” said population
geneticist Shyam Gopalakrishnan of the University of Copenhagen.
at a site on Siberia’s Zhokhov Island, where archaeological evidence of
dogsleds was also recovered, with DNA extracted from a 33,000-year-old wolf’s
jaw found in northeastern Siberia, and the genomes of 134 modern sled dog
breeds, including Alaskan and Siberian huskies, Alaskan malamutes, and
Greenland dogs. The study found that the ancient dog had long fur and thick
foot pads, and shared many genes with modern sled dog breeds. The Greenland
dogs, long thought to be the closest modern breed to ancient sled dogs, were
found to be genetically closest to the wolf, while the modern sled dogs were
more closely related to the Greenland dogs than other dog breeds. The study
also suggests that the sled dog lineage may date back some 15,000 years. “Dogs
already had different populations 10,000 years ago, and one would imagine that
domestication happened quite a bit of time before that,” said population
geneticist Shyam Gopalakrishnan of the University of Copenhagen.
Sled dog arctic adaptations go far back
Dogs have been used for sledding in the Arctic as far back as ∼9500 years ago.
However, the relationships among the earliest sled dogs, other dog populations,
and wolves are unknown. Sinding et al. sequenced an ancient sled dog, 10 modern sled
dogs, and an ancient wolf and analyzed their genetic relationships with other
modern dogs. This analysis indicates that sled dogs represent an ancient
lineage going back at least 9500 years and that wolves bred with the ancestors
of sled dogs and precontact American dogs. However, gene flow between sled dogs
and wolves likely stopped before ∼9500 years ago.
However, the relationships among the earliest sled dogs, other dog populations,
and wolves are unknown. Sinding et al. sequenced an ancient sled dog, 10 modern sled
dogs, and an ancient wolf and analyzed their genetic relationships with other
modern dogs. This analysis indicates that sled dogs represent an ancient
lineage going back at least 9500 years and that wolves bred with the ancestors
of sled dogs and precontact American dogs. However, gene flow between sled dogs
and wolves likely stopped before ∼9500 years ago.
Science, this issue p. 1495.
Although sled dogs are one of the most specialized groups of dogs, their
origin and evolution has received much less attention than many other dog
groups. We applied a genomic approach to investigate their spatiotemporal
emergence by sequencing the genomes of 10 modern Greenland sled dogs, an
~9500-year-old Siberian dog associated with archaeological evidence for sled
technology, and an ~33,000-year-old Siberian wolf. We found noteworthy genetic
similarity between the ancient dog and modern sled dogs. We detected gene flow
from Pleistocene Siberian wolves, but not modern American wolves, to
present-day sled dogs. The results indicate that the major ancestry of modern
sled dogs traces back to Siberia, where sled dog–specific haplotypes of genes
that potentially relate to Arctic adaptation were established by 9500 years ago.
origin and evolution has received much less attention than many other dog
groups. We applied a genomic approach to investigate their spatiotemporal
emergence by sequencing the genomes of 10 modern Greenland sled dogs, an
~9500-year-old Siberian dog associated with archaeological evidence for sled
technology, and an ~33,000-year-old Siberian wolf. We found noteworthy genetic
similarity between the ancient dog and modern sled dogs. We detected gene flow
from Pleistocene Siberian wolves, but not modern American wolves, to
present-day sled dogs. The results indicate that the major ancestry of modern
sled dogs traces back to Siberia, where sled dog–specific haplotypes of genes
that potentially relate to Arctic adaptation were established by 9500 years ago.
ΛΕΞΕΙΣ: Σκυλος, Αρκτικη, 10.000
χρονια πριν, DNA, λυκος, 33.000 χρονια πριν, σκυλι, 9.500 χρονια πριν, κρυο, γενεαλογια σκυλου, σκυλος ελκηθρου, 15.000 χρονια πριν, εξημερωση, κυνηγι, θηρα, κυνας, Σιβηρια
χρονια πριν, DNA, λυκος, 33.000 χρονια πριν, σκυλι, 9.500 χρονια πριν, κρυο, γενεαλογια σκυλου, σκυλος ελκηθρου, 15.000 χρονια πριν, εξημερωση, κυνηγι, θηρα, κυνας, Σιβηρια