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Παρασκευή, 7 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025

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Η Κούβα ανέπτυξε ένα φθηνό εμβόλιο κατά του καρκίνου

 Cuba developed a cheap vaccine against cancer

Tested on 4,000 people

A small
group of scientists from Cuba, working with a limited budget, have been able to
develop a vaccine against cancer that has been successfully tested on more than
4,000 people.
The scientific
community is impressed by the Cuban discovery, and many doctors claim that the
cure for cancer has finally been found.
The vaccine
has produced incredible results even in the more advanced stages of cancer. It
finally saw the light of day after 16 years of intense research, and doesn’t
have any adverse side-effects.
The vaccine
works by attacking a protein known as EGF (epidermal growth factor), which
allows lung cancer cells to grow.
The CIMAvax
vaccine reinforce the immune system and accelerates the production of
antibodies that bind to EGF, preventing it to feed cancer cells and not
allowing the disease to spread.
improves the longevity of the patient and effectively stops the disease from
progressing. The administration of the vaccine also relieves the symptoms of
cancer and reduces the pain – after a few therapies, patients have seen a
significant weight gain and got their appetite and energy back.
The vaccine
has already arrived in countries such as Bosnia & Herzegovina, Paraguay,
Colombia and Peru.
There are
high hopes among Cuban scientists that the vaccine can cure breast, uterus and
prostate tumors, while further research on other types of cancer is underway.
The vaccine
is free for Cubans, while people from other parts of the world may inform
themselves on the vaccine by contacting the Cuban medical services:
How to get
the vaccine and how can you contact experts from Cuba
EscoZul is
produced only in the Cuban company Labiofam: AvenidaIndependencia km. 16 1/2
Boyeros, Santiago de las Vegas, Havana, Cuba Tel: +53 683 3188/683 2151, fax:
683 2151, tel. 537 683 2151 Phone Dr. Verges – radiologist and Niudis Cruz: 537
683 0924, email: niudis.cruz@infomed.sld.cu and labiofam@ceniai.inf.cu.
National Center for Health has the following contacts:
Director —
Dr. Jose Andres Lopez Losada, [email protected] Number is +5378322202, and
“Health Tourism”: Calle 230 entre 15A and 17, Siboney, Havana, Cuba, tel. +53 7
33-7473 al 74 Fax: +53 7 33-7198 y +53 7 33 -7199, email: [email protected]
Web: Centro
Internacional de Salud La Pradera
useful contact is the National Institute of Oncology
perform many studies, develop drug treatments: InstitutoNacional de Oncología y
Radiobiología — INOR, address: Calle 29, esq. F, Vedado, Plaza de la
Revolución, Havana, Cuba, tel. (537) 8325865, (537) 8382576, (537) 8382578,
(537) 8375440. Fax (537) 8382593, 
Εμβόλιο που κοστίζει μόνον 1 δολ. για τον καρκίνο του
πνεύμονα αναπτύχθηκε στην Κούβα… αλλά δεν μπορούμε να το έχουμε!

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