13.4 C
Σάββατο, 15 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025

Journal of Field Archaeology, τεύχος 46

Journal of Field Archaeology
τεύχος 46

Στα περιεχόμενα του επιστημονικού
Journal of Field Archaeology, Volume 46, Issue 8 (2021) διαβάζουμε
τα άρθρα:

– A Window into the Early–Middle Stone Age Transition in Northeastern Africa—A
Marine Isotope Stage 7a/6 Late Acheulean Horizon from the EDAR 135 Site,
Eastern Sahara (Sudan) – 
Grzegorz Michalec, Marzena Cendrowska, Eric Andrieux, Simon J. Armitage,
Maciej Ehlert, Ju Yong Kim, Young Kwan Sohn, Joanna Krupa-Kurzynowska, Piotr
Moska, Marcin Szmit & Mirosław Masojć – Pages: 513-533 – 11.11.2021.

– Early Neolithic Innovation: Ventilation Systems and the Built
Environment – 
Güneş Duru, Demet Güral & Mihriban Özbaşaran – Pages: 534-550 – 25.9.2021.

– Querying Quarries: Stone Extraction Practices and Socioeconomic
Organization in Three Sub-Regions of the Maya Lowlands – 
Rachel A. Horowitz, Mary E. Clarke & Kenneth E. Seligson – Pages: 551-570, 21.7.2021.

– Deploying an Offline, Multi-User, Mobile System for Digital Recording in
the Perachora Peninsula, Greece – 
Adela Sobotkova, Shawn A. Ross, Petra Hermankova, Susan Lupack,
Christian Nassif-Haynes, Brian Ballsun-Stanton & Panagiota Kasimi – 
Pages: 571-594, 8.9.2021.

This article discusses the deployment of mobile data capture software developed by the Field Acquired Information Management Systems project (FAIMS Mobile) to document systematic pedestrian surface survey and legacy feature verification at the Perachora Peninsula Archaeology Project (PPAP), Greece, in 2020. FAIMS Mobile is an open-source platform that generates customized Android applications for data capture during field research. We reused and adapted two existing customizations from the FAIMS library for comprehensive digital recording of two workflows, integrating a collection of structured data, geospatial data, photos, and text. FAIMS Mobile required only modest hardware but supported offline setup, synchronization, and data export, allowing PPAP to deploy it despite unreliable internet access. The system proved successful; it was tailored to our aims and methods, captured consistent and well-described data rapidly, and minimized post-processing. All collected data was available daily for planning, and a comprehensive dataset adhering to Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable (FAIR) data standards was ready for analysis with only a few hours of processing after fieldwork.

– Digitally Recording Excavations on a Budget: A (Low-Cost) DIY Approach
from Scotland – 
Edouard Masson-MacLean, James O’Driscoll, Cathy McIver & Gordon
Pages: 595-613, 2.9.2021.

– Drawing and Knowledge Construction in Archaeology: The Aide Mémoire
Project – 
Colleen Morgan, Helen Petrie, Holly Wright & James Stuart Taylor, Pages: 614-628, 18.10.2021.


μεταβαση πρωιμη μεσης λιθινη εποχη Αφρικη, υστερη Αχιλια Ενταρ, Σαχαρα Σουδαν, νεολιθικη καινοτομια Συστημα εξαερισμου δομημενο περιβαλλον εξαερισμος, Μαγια, Μαγιας, περα χωρα Περαχωρα Λουταρκιου Κορινθιας, Ελλαδα, ανασκαφη Σκωτια, σκοτια, Λουταρκι Κορινθια, Κορινθος
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