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Κυκλοφόρησε το 5ο «Journal of Greek Archaeology»

Κυκλοφόρησε το 5ο
«Journal of Greek Archaeology»

Volume 5 is perhaps the richest and most diverse volume of the Journal
of Greek Archaeology so far offered to readers. The editors have kept to the
journal’s core brief to cover all the major periods of Greek Archaeology in a
literal sense, with articles from the Neolithic through Greco-Roman times and
the Middle Ages and up to the 19th century AD. Geographically, papers range
from Sicily through the Aegean to Turkey.

A major novelty is the inclusion of two Colloquia, one on the economics
of Greek Protohistoric to Archaic ‘colonisation’ edited by Lieve Donnellan, the
second on Byzantine landscape archaeology edited by Effie Athanassopoulos.

Alongside a wealth of period-based papers on settlements, ceramics,
lithics and urban infrastructure, the volume also presents a major report on
the nature and future of surface survey in Mediterranean lands, a group article
– the fruit of some twenty years of twice-yearly conferences by the
International Mediterranean Survey Workshop community.

The review section also ranges through prehistory to the recent past,
including the historiography of research which includes and extensive and
enlightening (but disturbing) review article by Margriet Haagsma on
discrimination against female scholars in early 20th century Classical Archaeology.

Table of Contents

Journal of Greek Archaeology Volume 5: Editorial – John Bintliff ;

Method and Theory ;

A guide to good practice in Mediterranean surface survey projects –
Peter Attema, John Bintliff, Martijn van Leusen, Philip Bes, Tymon de Haas,
Damjan Donev, Wim Jongman, Eva Kaptijn, Victorino Mayoral, Simonetta Menchelli,
Marinella Pasquinucci, Steve Rosen, Jesus García Sánchez, Luis Gutierrez Soler,
David Stone, Gijs Tol, Frank Vermeulen and Athanasios Vionis [Open Access] ;


Prehistory and Protohistory ;

New excavations in Northwestern Greece: The Neolithic settlement of
Avgi, Kastoria
Stratouli, T. Bekiaris, N. Katsikaridis, D. Kloukinas, G. Koromila and S.
Kyrillidou ;

Food-processing ground stone tools in the Greek Neolithic and Bronze
Age. A synthesis of the published data – Tasos Bekiaris, Danai Chondrou, Ismini
Ninou and Soultana-Maria Valamoti ;

Syracuse and its environs from c. 6000 to 650 BC: The prehistoric and
Greek origins of the city – Robert Leighton ;


Archaic to Hellenistic ;

Colloquium: Beyond the Gift: The Economy of Greek ‘Colonisation’ –
edited by Lieve Donnellan ;

Introduction – Lieve Donnellan ;

Widening horizons and close encounters: overseas engagement and economic
outcomes in southern Italy – Lin Foxhall ;

The economy of early Greek colonisation in the northern Aegean ΒΟΡΕΙΟ ΑΙΓΑΙΟ – Stefanos
Gimatzidis ;

Pithekoussan amphorae and the development of a Mediterranean market
Donnellan ;

(Dis)unity in the Archaic monetary systems of the western Chalkidian
Apoikiai –
ΧΑΛΚΙΔΑ Peter van
Alfen ;


The Hellenistic gymnasia of Cyprus and Ptolemaic propaganda – ΚΥΠΡΟΣ Dorothea Stavrou ;


Roman and Late Roman ;

Bath, city and society in Late Roman Athens ΑΘΗΝΑ – Dallas DeForest ;


Medieval and Post-Medieval ;


Colloquium: The Medieval Countryside in the Aegean and Anatolia: An
Archaeological Perspective – edited by Effie Athanassopoulos ;

Introduction – Effie Athanassopoulos ;

Survey and the 7th century in the Western Argolid ΑΡΓΟΛΙΔΑ – William Caraher, Scott Gallimore,
Dimitri Nakassis and Sarah James ;

Late Antique and Medieval Landscapes of the Nemea Valley, Southern
ΝΕΜΕΑ – Christian
Cloke and Effie Athanassopoulos ;

Understanding the Medieval Cyclades through landscape archaeology (8th –
12th century AD)
Konstantinos Roussos ;

Knossos and Heraklion in the Byzantine-Islamic transition (late 7th –
mid-10th century). An archaeological perspective into shifting patterns of
settlement ruralisation and urbanisation on medieval Crete

Landscape approaches to the evolution of the Byzantine/Medieval
village-community in Greece – Athanasios K. Vionis ;

Intensive architectural survey of Byzantine rural settlements: A case
study from the Mani
ΜΑΝΗ – Mark James
Pawlowski ;

Archaeological survey and understanding the rural landscape in Byzantine
Greece: some specific examples – Timothy E. Gregory and Lita
Tzortzopoulou-Gregory ;

Reflections on the Avkat Archaeological Project: collaborations,
education, and dissemination – James Newhard, Hugh Elton and John Haldon ;

Medieval landscapes of Greece and Turkey: a post-colloquium commentary –
John Bintliff ;


An archipelago of pots. New data on pottery production in the Aegean
during the first half of the 19th century
Liaros ;


ΠΗΓΗ: Edited by John Bintliff (Ed. in Chief). DOI: 10.32028/9781789697926.
Paperback; 205x290mm; 652 pages; colour throughout. 5 2020. Available both in
printed and e-versions. Printed ISBN 9781789697926. Epublication ISBN
9781789697933. Archaeopress.
, 7.4.2021.

αρχαιολογια, νεολιθικη
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Η νήσος Κάρνος, με τον τάφο της κυρα-Γιώργαινας Καραϊσκάκη – του Γ. Λεκάκη

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