16 C
Κυριακή, 16 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025

NATURE, Scientific Reports, 01 September 2020







An electrophysiological
investigation on the emotion regulatory mechanisms of brief open
monitoring meditation in novice non-meditators



Yanli Lin,
Lilianne M. Gloe, Courtney C. Louis et al.







Dynamics of the
ACE2–SARS-CoV-2/SARS-CoV spike protein interface reveal unique mechanisms



Amanat Ali,
Ranjit Vijayan







Clinically relevant autistic
traits predict greater reliance on detail for image recognition



Arjen Alink,
Ian Charest







Survival and regeneration
ability of clonal common milkweed (Asclepias syriaca L.) after a
single herbicide treatment in natural open sand grasslands



László Bakacsy,
István Bagi







Predictive factors and early
biomarkers of response in multiple sclerosis patients treated with



Maria Inmaculada Dominguez-Mozo,
Silvia Perez-Perez, Luisa María Villar et al.







XRN2 interactome reveals its
synthetic lethal relationship with PARP1 inhibition



Praveen L. Patidar,
Talysa Viera, Julio C. Morales et al.







Age- and season-dependent
pattern of flavonol glycosides in Cabernet Sauvignon grapevine leaves



Sakina Bouderias,
Péter Teszlák, Gábor Jakab et al.







RNA-Seq analysis of
differentially expressed genes of Staphylococcus epidermidis isolated
from postoperative endophthalmitis and the healthy conjunctiva



Qing Liu,
Nan Chen, Huabo Chen et al.







Rapid high-yield expression
and purification of fully post-translationally modified recombinant
clusterin and mutants



Sandeep Satapathy,
Rebecca A. Dabbs, Mark R. Wilson







Optical percutaneous needle
biopsy of the liver: a pilot animal and clinical study



Viktor Dremin,
Elena Potapova, Evgeny Zherebtsov et al.







Characterization and analysis
of full-length transcriptomes from two grasshoppers, Gomphocerus
and Mongolotettix japonicus



Hao Yuan,
Xue Zhang, Lina Zhao et al.







Cholesterol 25-hydroxylase
protects against experimental colitis in mice by modulating epithelial
gut barrier function



Na Sheng,
Zhongnan Ma, Yi Zhou et al.







Nanoscale mechanisms in
age-related hip-fractures



Shaocheng Ma,
En Lin Goh, Tabitha Tay et al.







Environmental prospecting of
black yeast-like agents of human disease using culture-independent



Flávia de
Fátima Costa, Nickolas Menezes da Silva,
Morgana Ferreira Voidaleski et al.







The WD40-protein CFAP52/WDR16
is a centrosome/basal body protein and localizes to the manchette and the
flagellum in male germ cells



Constanza Tapia
Contreras, Sigrid Hoyer-Fender







Novel research on
nanocellulose production by a marine Bacillus velezensis strain
SMR: a comparative study



Samia S. Abouelkheir,
Marwa S. Kamara, Salma M. Atia et al.







The human papillomavirus E6
protein targets apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) for degradation



Masaru Shimada,
Akio Yamashita, Manami Saito et al.







Donor myeloid derived
suppressor cells (MDSCs) prolong allogeneic cardiac graft survival
through programming of recipient myeloid cells in vivo



Songjie Cai,
John Y. Choi, Thiago J. Borges et al.







Making of water soluble
curcumin to potentiate conventional antimicrobials by inducing
apoptosis-like phenomena among drug-resistant bacteria



Shivangi Yadav,
Ashish Kumar Singh, Anand Kumar Agrahari et al.







Perceptual correlates of
successful body–prosthesis interaction in lower limb amputees:
psychometric characterisation and development of the Prosthesis
Embodiment Scale



Robin Bekrater-Bodmann







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Chemical Sciences






speckle-tracking X-ray imaging with adaptive subset size choices



Naxi Tian,
Hui Jiang, Aiguo Li et al.







A one-step mild acid route to
fabricate high performance porous anti-reflective optical films from
cationic polymeric nanolatex



Tong Zhang,
Jiannan Jia, Yao Xiao et al.







Knowledge and social
relatedness shape research portfolio diversification



Giorgio Tripodi,
Francesca Chiaromonte, Fabrizio Lillo







Incorporation of lateral
microfiltration with immunoaffinity for enhancing the capture efficiency
of rare cells



Kangfu Chen,
Jacob Amontree, Jose Varillas et al.







Uncovering a high-performance
bio-mimetic cellular structure from trabecular bone



Abdallah Ghazlan,
Tuan Ngo, Tuan Nguyen et al.







On the instability of the
giant direct magnetocaloric effect in CoMn0.915Fe0.085Ge
at. % metamagnetic compounds



N. M. Bruno,
S. Yuce







Unitary transformation for
Poincaré beams on different parts of Poincaré sphere



Xibo Sun,
Yuanchao Geng, Qihua Zhu et al.







Agar with embedded channels
to study root growth



Azlan Abdul Aziz,
Kai Boon Lim, Ena Kartina Abdul Rahman et al.







Machine learning as an
improved estimator for magnetization curve and spin gap



Tota Nakamura







Objective function estimation
for solving optimization problems in gate-model quantum computers



Laszlo Gyongyosi












Physical Sciences






speckle-tracking X-ray imaging with adaptive subset size choices



Naxi Tian,
Hui Jiang, Aiguo Li et al.







A one-step mild acid route to
fabricate high performance porous anti-reflective optical films from
cationic polymeric nanolatex



Tong Zhang,
Jiannan Jia, Yao Xiao et al.







Knowledge and social
relatedness shape research portfolio diversification



Giorgio Tripodi,
Francesca Chiaromonte, Fabrizio Lillo







Incorporation of lateral
microfiltration with immunoaffinity for enhancing the capture efficiency
of rare cells



Kangfu Chen,
Jacob Amontree, Jose Varillas et al.







Uncovering a high-performance
bio-mimetic cellular structure from trabecular bone



Abdallah Ghazlan,
Tuan Ngo, Tuan Nguyen et al.







On the instability of the
giant direct magnetocaloric effect in CoMn0.915Fe0.085Ge
at. % metamagnetic compounds



N. M. Bruno,
S. Yuce







Unitary transformation for
Poincaré beams on different parts of Poincaré sphere



Xibo Sun,
Yuanchao Geng, Qihua Zhu et al.







Agar with embedded channels
to study root growth



Azlan Abdul Aziz,
Kai Boon Lim, Ena Kartina Abdul Rahman et al.







Machine learning as an
improved estimator for magnetization curve and spin gap



Tota Nakamura







Objective function estimation
for solving optimization problems in gate-model quantum computers



Laszlo Gyongyosi













Earth &
Environmental Sciences






Cold damage from wax
deposition in a shallow, low-temperature, and high-wax reservoir in
Changchunling Oilfield



Jun Xie,
Xiao Hu, Hui-zhen Liang et al.







Downscaling global ocean
climate models improves estimates of exposure regimes in coastal



Matheus Fagundes,
S. Y. Litvin, F. Micheli et al.







Holistic approach to assess
co-benefits of local climate mitigation in a hot humid region of



Shamila Haddad,
Riccardo Paolini, Giulia Ulpiani et al.







Interpreting ancient food
practices: stable isotope and molecular analyses of visible and absorbed
residues from a year-long cooking experiment



Melanie J. Miller,
Helen L. Whelton, Jillian A. Swift et al.







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Health Sciences






Contributors to the
black-white life expectancy gap in Washington D.C.



Max Roberts,
Eric N. Reither, Sojung Lim







Training induced fatigability
assessed by sEMG in Pre-Olympic ice-skaters



Paweł Pakosz,
Mariusz Konieczny







The effects of intravenous
iron supplementation on fatigue and general health in non-anemic blood
donors with iron deficiency: a randomized placebo-controlled superiority



Peter Keller,
Roland von Känel, Cesar A. Hincapié et al.







Small-volume point-of-care
analytical methods



Chao-Min Cheng







Multidrug transporter
MRP4/ABCC4 as a key determinant of pancreatic cancer aggressiveness



A. Sahores,
A. Carozzo, M. May et al.







The role of endothelin B
receptor in bone modelling during orthodontic tooth movement: a study on
ETB knockout rats



S. Ibrahimi
Disha, B. Furlani, G. Drevensek et al.







Feasibility and safety of
surgical microwave ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma in elderly
patients: a single center analysis in Japan



Hajime Imamura,
Yuko Takami, Tomoki Ryu et al.







Increasing incidence of acute
autoimmune hepatitis: a nationwide survey in Japan



Atsushi Takahashi,
Hiromasa Ohira, Kazumichi Abe et al.







high-resolution esophageal manometry during peroral endoscopic myotomy



Maximilien Barret,
Marie-Anne Guillaumot, Chloé Leandri et al.







modification as a response to cellular stress induced by hemoglobin
oxidation in sickle cell disease



Michael Brad Strader,
Sirsendu Jana, Fantao Meng et al.







Non-invasive screening for
subclinical liver graft injury in adults via donor-specific anti-HLA



Anne Höfer,
Danny Jonigk, Björn Hartleben et al.







Comparison of 68Ga-DOTANOC
with 18F-FDG using PET/MRI imaging in patients with pulmonary



Claire M. Naftalin,
Francesca Leek, James T. P. D. Hallinan et







haemorrhage-critical values of cerebral blood flow by modelling
biomechanical stresses on capillaries in the immature brain



Irina Sidorenko,
Varvara Turova, Nikolai Botkin et al.











ΠΗΓΗ: NATURE, 01 September 2020. ΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ, 1.9.2020.
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