12.2 C
Κυριακή, 16 Φεβρουαρίου, 2025

Αποτύπωμα δεινοσαύρου σε μέγεθος ανθρώπου! Το μεγαλύτερο που έχει βρεθεί ποτέ!

Αποτύπωμα δεινοσαύρου
μέγεθος ανθρώπου!!!

Το μεγαλύτερο
που έχει βρεθεί ποτέ!

Ένα τεράστιο δείγμα απτυπώματος
δεινοσαύρου, που βρέθηκε στην Αυστραλια, έχει ξεπεράσει κάθε ρεκόρ καταγεγραμμένο
στα βιβλία!

Αυστραλοί ερευνητές που κάνουν
ανασκαφές στην περιοχή, η οποία είναι γνωστή ως «Jurassic Park της Αυστραλίας»,
βρήκαν το μεγαλύτερο αποτύπωμα στον κόσμο (1,55 μ.) δεινοσαύρου που έχει έως
τώρα ανακαλυφθεί!


Σύμφωνα με τα ευρήματά τους,
οι παλαιοντολόγοι του Πανεπιστημίου του Κουίνσλαντ και του Πανεπιστημίου Τζέιμς
Κουκ βρήκαν 20 ακόμη ίχνη δεινοσαύρου, γύρω από την περιοχή Κίμπερλι στην
Δυτική Αυστραλία.

«Υπήρχαν πέντε διαφορετικοί
τύποι αρπακτικών δεινοσαύρων, τουλάχιστον έξι τύποι από φυτοφάγα μακρόλαιμα
σαυρόποδα, τέσσερις τύποι από δύο φυτοφάγα ορνιθόποδα και έξι τύποι “θωρακισμένων” δεινόσαυρων», εδήλωσε ο Steven Salisbury, ένας των επί κεφαλής ερευνητών.
ΠΗΓΗ: Steven W. Salisbury, Anthony
Romilio, Matthew C. Herne, Ryan T. Tucker,
και Jay P. Nair «TheDinosaurian Ichnofauna of the Lower Cretaceous (Valanginian–Barremian) Broome Sandstone of the Walmadany Area (James Price Point), Dampier Peninsula, Western Australia», σελ. 1-152, DOI, Journal
of Vertebrate Paleontology, 24 Mar 2017.
, 24.3.1017. Smithsonian, ALTI, 28 Μαρτίου


ΛΕΞΕΙΣΑποτυπωμα, δεινοσαυρος, δεινοσαυροι, Αυστραλια, Τζουρασικ Παρκ Αυστραλιας, Κιμπερλι, αρπακτικος δεινοσαυρος, φυτοφαγος δεινοσαυρος,  μακρολαιμο σαυροποδο, φυτοφαγα ορνιθοποδα, θωρακισμενος δεινοσαυρος, Σμιθσονιαν

Extensive and well-preserved tracksites in the coastally exposed Lower
Cretaceous (Valanginian–Barremian) Broome Sandstone of the Dampier Peninsula
provide almost the entire fossil record of dinosaurs from the western half of
the Australian continent. Tracks near the town of Broome were described in the
late 1960s as Megalosauropus broomensis and attributed to a medium-sized
theropod trackmaker. Brief reports in the early 1990s suggested the occurrence
of at least another nine types of tracks, referable to theropod, sauropod,
ornithopod, and thyreophoran trackmakers, at scattered tracksites spread over
more than 80 km of coastline north of Broome, potentially representing one of
the world’s most diverse dinosaurian ichnofaunas. More recently, it has been
proposed that this number could be as high as 16 and that the sites are spread
over more than 200 km. However, the only substantial research that has been
published on these more recent discoveries is a preliminary study of the
sauropod tracks and an account of the ways in which the heavy passage of
sauropod trackmakers may have shaped the Dampier Peninsula’s Early Cretaceous
landscape. With the other types of dinosaurian tracks in the Broome Sandstone
remaining undescribed, and the full extent and nature of the Dampier
Peninsula’s dinosaurian tracksites yet to be adequately addressed, the overall
scientific significance of the ichnofauna has remained enigmatic.
 At the request of the area’s Goolarabooloo Traditional Custodians, 400+
hours of ichnological survey work was undertaken from 2011 to 2016 on the 25 km
stretch of coastline in the Yanijarri–Lurujarri section of the Dampier
Peninsula, inclusive of the coastline at Walmadany (James Price Point).
Forty-eight discrete dinosaurian tracksites were identified in this area, and
thousands of tracks were examined and measured in situ and using three-dimensional
photogrammetry. Tracksites were concentrated in three main areas along the
coast: Yanijarri in the north, Walmadany in the middle, and Kardilakan–Jajal
Buru in the south. Lithofacies analysis revealed 16 repeated facies types that
occurred in three distinctive lithofacies associations, indicative of an
environmental transgression between the distal fluvial to deltaic portions of a
large braid plain, with migrating sand bodies and periodic sheet floods. The
main dinosaurian track-bearing horizons seem to have been generated between
periodic sheet floods that blanketed the preexisting sand bodies within the
braid plain portion of a tidally influenced delta, with much of the original,
gently undulating topography now preserved over large expanses of the present
day intertidal reef system. Of the tracks examined, 150 could be identified and
are assignable to a least eleven and possibly as many as 21 different track
types: five different types of theropod tracks, at least six types of sauropod
tracks, four types of ornithopod tracks, and six types of thyreophoran tracks.
Eleven of these track types can formally be assigned or compared to existing or
new ichnotaxa, whereas the remaining ten represent morphotypes that, although
distinct, are currently too poorly represented to confidently assign to
existing or new ichnotaxa. Among the ichnotaxa that we have recognized, only
two (Megalosauropus broomensis and Wintonopus latomorum) belong to existing
ichnotaxa, and two compare to existing ichnotaxa but display a suite of
morphological features suggesting that they may be distinct in their own right
and are therefore placed in open nomenclature. Six of the ichnotaxa that we
have identified are new: one theropod ichnotaxon, Yangtzepus clarkei, ichnosp.
nov.; one sauropod ichnotaxon, Oobardjidama foulkesi, ichnogen. et ichnosp.
nov.; two ornithopod ichnotaxa, Wintonopus middletonae, ichnosp. nov., and
Walmadanyichnus hunteri, ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov.; and two thyreophoran
ichnotaxa, Garbina roeorum, ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov., and Luluichnus mueckei,
ichnogen. et ichnosp. nov. The level of diversity of the main track types is
comparable across areas where tracksites are concentrated: Kardilakan–Jajal
Buru (12), Walmadany (11), and Yanijarri (10).
 The overall diversity of the dinosaurian ichnofauna of the Broome
Sandstone in the Yanijarri–Lurujarri section of the Dampier Peninsula is
unparalleled in Australia, and even globally. In addition to being the primary
record of non-avian dinosaurs in the western half of Australia, this ichnofauna
provides our only detailed glimpse of Australia’s dinosaurian fauna during the
first half of the Early Cretaceous. It indicates that the general composition
of Australia’s mid-Cretaceous dinosaurian fauna was already in place by the
Valanginian–Barremian. Both sauropods and ornithopods were diverse and
abundant, and thyreophorans were the only type of quadrupedal ornithischians.
Important aspects of the fauna that are not seen in the Australian
mid-Cretaceous body fossil record are the presence of stegosaurians, an overall
higher diversity of thyreophorans and theropods, and the presence of
large-bodied hadrosauroid-like ornithopods and very large-bodied sauropods. In
many respects, these differences suggest a holdover from the Late Jurassic,
when the majority of dinosaurian clades had a more cosmopolitan distribution
prior to the fragmentation of Pangea. Although the record for the Lower
Cretaceous of Gondwana is sparse, a similar mix of taxa occurs in the
Barremian–lower Aptian La Amarga Formation of Argentina and the
Berriasian–Hauterivian Kirkwood Formation of South Africa. The persistence of
this fauna across the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in South America, Africa,
and Australia might be characteristic of Gondwanan dinosaurian faunas more
broadly. It suggests that the extinction event that affected Laurasian
dinosaurian faunas across the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary may not have been as
extreme in Gondwana, and this difference may have foreshadowed the onset of
Laurasian-Eurogondwanan provincialism. The disappearance of stegosaurians and
the apparent drop in diversity of theropods by the mid-Cretaceous suggests
that, similar to South America, Australia passed through a period of faunal
turnover between the Valanginian and Aptian.
SUPPLEMENTAL DATA—Supplemental materials are available for this article
for free at www.tandfonline.com/UJVP
Citation for this article: Salisbury, S. W., A. Romilio, M. C. Herne, R.
T. Tucker, and J. P. Nair. 2017. The dinosaurian ichnofauna of the Lower
Cretaceous (Valanginian–Barremian) Broome Sandstone of the Walmadany area
(James Price Point), Dampier Peninsula, Western Australia. Society of
Vertebrate Paleontology Memoir 16. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 36(6,
Supplement). DOI: 10.1080/02724634.2016.1269539.
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