16 Αυγούστου, 2020 NATURE, Scientific Reports, 4 Αυγούστου 2020 μερίδιο FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsAppLinkedinEmailTelegramCopy URL Biological Sciences Climate change models predict decreases in the range of a microendemic freshwater fish in Honduras ▶ Caleb D. McMahan, César E. Fuentes-Montejo, Luke Ginger et al. Microencapsulated algal feeds as a sustainable replacement diet for broodstock in commercial bivalve aquaculture ▶ David F. Willer, Samuel Furse, David C. Aldridge Sex-dependent associations of low birth weight and suicidal ideation in adulthood: a community-based cohort study ▶ Mareike Ernst, Iris Reiner, Achim Fieß et al. Peptides targeting dengue viral nonstructural protein 1 inhibit dengue virus production ▶ Pucharee Songprakhon, Thanawat Thaingtamtanha, Thawornchai Limjindaporn et al. Effects of different intracranial volume correction methods on univariate sex differences in grey matter volume and multivariate sex prediction ▶ Carla Sanchis-Segura, Maria Victoria Ibañez-Gual, Naiara Aguirre et al. Investigating effect of climate warming on the population declines of Sympetrum frequens during the 1990s in three regions in Japan ▶ Kosuke Nakanishi, Dai Koide, Hiroyuki Yokomizo et al. Crystal structure of the Rab33B/Atg16L1 effector complex ▶ Janina Metje-Sprink, Johannes Groffmann, Piotr Neumann et al. A non-invasive soil-based setup to study tomato root volatiles released by healthy and infected roots ▶ Sneha Gulati, Max-Bernhard Ballhausen, Purva Kulkarni et al. Roniciclib down-regulates stemness and inhibits cell growth by inducing nucleolar stress in neuroblastoma ▶ Marzia Ognibene, Annalisa Pezzolo Using multiple short epochs optimises the stability of infant EEG connectivity parameters ▶ Rianne Haartsen, Bauke van der Velde, Emily J. H. Jones et al. Cleavage of proteoglycans, plasma proteins and the platelet-derived growth factor receptor in the hemorrhagic process induced by snake venom metalloproteinases ▶ Amanda F. Asega, Milene C. Menezes, Dilza Trevisan-Silva et al. Oral administration of Cystine and Theanine ameliorates oxaliplatin-induced chronic peripheral neuropathy in rodents ▶ Takehiro Kawashiri, Daisuke Kobayashi, Nobuaki Egashira et al. Genetic diversity and population structure of Aedes aegypti after massive vector control for dengue fever prevention in Yunnan border areas ▶ Rui-chen Lv, Chang -qiang Zhu, Chun-hui Wang et al. Combining transcriptomics and genetic linkage based information to identify candidate genes associated with Heterobasidion-resistance in Norway spruce ▶ Rajiv Chaudhary, Karl Lundén, Kerstin Dalman et al. First evidence of microbial wood degradation in the coastal waters of the Antarctic ▶ Charlotte G. Björdal, Paul K. Dayton The potential role of peak nasal inspiratory flow to evaluate active sinonasal inflammation and disease severity ▶ José Araújo-Martins, Carlos Brás-Geraldes, Nuno Neuparth Integrated bioinformatics analysis to decipher molecular mechanism of compound Kushen injection for esophageal cancer by combining WGCNA with network pharmacology ▶ Wei Zhou, Jiarui Wu, Jingyuan Zhang et al. An in-silico study of cancer cell survival and spatial distribution within a 3D microenvironment ▶ Marilisa Cortesi, Chiara Liverani, Laura Mercatali et al. Transcriptomic profiling of the medicinal plant Clitoria ternatea: identification of potential genes in cyclotide biosynthesis ▶ Neha V. Kalmankar, Radhika Venkatesan, Padmanabhan Balaram et al. Insights into the salivary N-glycome of Lutzomyia longipalpis, vector of visceral leishmaniasis ▶ Karina Mondragon-Shem, Katherine Wongtrakul-Kish, Radoslaw P. Kozak et al. BROWSE MORE Biological Sciences ARTICLES ONLINE ▶ Chemical Sciences Nonthermal phase transitions in metals ▶ Nikita Medvedev, Igor Milov Nonthermal phase transitions in metals ▶ Nikita Medvedev, Igor Milov Scalable lateral heterojunction by chemical doping of 2D TMD thin films ▶ Bhim Chamlagain, Sajeevi S. Withanage, Ammon C. Johnston et al. SiC transmission-type polarization rotator using a large magneto-optical effect boosted and stabilized by dressed photons ▶ Takuya Kadowaki, Tadashi Kawazoe, Motoichi Ohtsu A systematic approach to alkaline-surfactant-foam flooding of heavy oil: microfluidic assessment with a novel phase-behavior viscosity map ▶ Eric Vavra, Maura Puerto, Sibani L. Biswal et al. Electronic phase shift measurement for the determination of acoustic wave DOA using single MEMS biomimetic sensor ▶ Renato C. Rabelo, Fabio D. Alves, Gamani Karunasiri Phonon anharmonicities and ultrafast dynamics in epitaxial Sb2Te3 ▶ V. Bragaglia, M. Ramsteiner, D. Schick et al. Estimation of the ultimate tensile strength and yield strength for the pure metals and alloys by using the acoustic wave properties ▶ Arshed Abdulhamed Mohammed, Sallehuddin Mohamed Haris, Wessam Al Azzawi Continuous scanning for Bragg coherent X-ray imaging ▶ Ni Li, Maxime Dupraz, Longfei Wu et al. Multilayer optical thin film design with deep Q learning ▶ Anqing Jiang, Yoshie Osamu, Liangyao Chen Multilayer optical thin film design with deep Q learning ▶ Anqing Jiang, Yoshie Osamu, Liangyao Chen Direct growth of graphene on Ge(100) and Ge(110) via thermal and plasma enhanced CVD ▶ Bilge Bekdüz, Umut Kaya, Moritz Langer et al. Fermi-crossing Type-II Dirac fermions and topological surface states in NiTe2 ▶ Saumya Mukherjee, Sung Won Jung, Sophie F. Weber et al. Topological classification of dynamical quantum phase transitions in the xy chain ▶ Sergio Porta, Fabio Cavaliere, Maura Sassetti et al. Highly stretchable sensing array for independent detection of pressure and strain exploiting structural and resistive control ▶ Ryosuke Matsuda, Satoru Mizuguchi, Fumika Nakamura et al. Preparation of efficient photothermal materials from waste coffee grounds for solar evaporation and water purification ▶ Chih-Feng Wang, Chih-Lin Wu, Shiao-Wei Kuo et al. Dynamics of entangled networks of the quantum Internet ▶ Laszlo Gyongyosi Few-cycle localized plasmon oscillations ▶ Mária Csete, András Szenes, Dávid Vass et al. Natural rubber as a renewable carbon source for mesoporous carbon/silica nanocomposites ▶ Satit Yousatit, Hannarong Pitayachinchot, Apinya Wijitrat et al. Long-term sustainability of biogas bubbles in sand ▶ Xiaoying Hu, Dandan Li, Erxing Peng et al. BROWSE MORE Chemical Sciences ARTICLES ONLINE ▶ Physical Sciences Nonthermal phase transitions in metals ▶ Nikita Medvedev, Igor Milov Nonthermal phase transitions in metals ▶ Nikita Medvedev, Igor Milov Scalable lateral heterojunction by chemical doping of 2D TMD thin films ▶ Bhim Chamlagain, Sajeevi S. Withanage, Ammon C. Johnston et al. SiC transmission-type polarization rotator using a large magneto-optical effect boosted and stabilized by dressed photons ▶ Takuya Kadowaki, Tadashi Kawazoe, Motoichi Ohtsu A systematic approach to alkaline-surfactant-foam flooding of heavy oil: microfluidic assessment with a novel phase-behavior viscosity map ▶ Eric Vavra, Maura Puerto, Sibani L. Biswal et al. Electronic phase shift measurement for the determination of acoustic wave DOA using single MEMS biomimetic sensor ▶ Renato C. Rabelo, Fabio D. Alves, Gamani Karunasiri Phonon anharmonicities and ultrafast dynamics in epitaxial Sb2Te3 ▶ V. Bragaglia, M. Ramsteiner, D. Schick et al. Estimation of the ultimate tensile strength and yield strength for the pure metals and alloys by using the acoustic wave properties ▶ Arshed Abdulhamed Mohammed, Sallehuddin Mohamed Haris, Wessam Al Azzawi Continuous scanning for Bragg coherent X-ray imaging ▶ Ni Li, Maxime Dupraz, Longfei Wu et al. Multilayer optical thin film design with deep Q learning ▶ Anqing Jiang, Yoshie Osamu, Liangyao Chen Multilayer optical thin film design with deep Q learning ▶ Anqing Jiang, Yoshie Osamu, Liangyao Chen Direct growth of graphene on Ge(100) and Ge(110) via thermal and plasma enhanced CVD ▶ Bilge Bekdüz, Umut Kaya, Moritz Langer et al. Fermi-crossing Type-II Dirac fermions and topological surface states in NiTe2 ▶ Saumya Mukherjee, Sung Won Jung, Sophie F. Weber et al. Topological classification of dynamical quantum phase transitions in the xy chain ▶ Sergio Porta, Fabio Cavaliere, Maura Sassetti et al. Highly stretchable sensing array for independent detection of pressure and strain exploiting structural and resistive control ▶ Ryosuke Matsuda, Satoru Mizuguchi, Fumika Nakamura et al. Preparation of efficient photothermal materials from waste coffee grounds for solar evaporation and water purification ▶ Chih-Feng Wang, Chih-Lin Wu, Shiao-Wei Kuo et al. Dynamics of entangled networks of the quantum Internet ▶ Laszlo Gyongyosi Few-cycle localized plasmon oscillations ▶ Mária Csete, András Szenes, Dávid Vass et al. Natural rubber as a renewable carbon source for mesoporous carbon/silica nanocomposites ▶ Satit Yousatit, Hannarong Pitayachinchot, Apinya Wijitrat et al. Long-term sustainability of biogas bubbles in sand ▶ Xiaoying Hu, Dandan Li, Erxing Peng et al. BROWSE MORE Physical Sciences ARTICLES ONLINE ▶ Earth & Environmental Sciences Integration of palaeo-and-modern food webs reveal slow changes in a river floodplain wetland ecosystem ▶ Giri R. Kattel, Bradley D. Eyre, Peter A. Gell An efficient coral survey method based on a large-scale 3-D structure model obtained by Speedy Sea Scanner and U-Net segmentation ▶ Katsunori Mizuno, Kei Terayama, Seiichiro Hagino et al. Development of novel hybridized models for urban flood susceptibility mapping ▶ Omid Rahmati, Hamid Darabi, Mahdi Panahi et al. Individual-based population genomics reveal different drivers of adaptation in sympatric fish ▶ Héctor Torrado, Carlos Carreras, Núria Raventos et al. Inter- and intra-annual wind speed variabilities in wide valley regions of the middle reaches of the Yarlung Tsangpo River, China ▶ Yue Ben, Yadong Mei, Yiming Chen et al. Stress loading history of earthquake faults influenced by fault/shear zone geometry and Coulomb pre-stress ▶ Claudia Sgambato, Joanna Phoebe Faure Walker, Zoë Keiki Mildon et al. Evidence for long-term seamount-induced chlorophyll enhancements ▶ Astrid B. Leitner, Anna B. Neuheimer, Jeffrey C. Drazen Intermittent meromixis controls the trophic state of warming deep lakes ▶ Maximilian P. Lau, Giulia Valerio, Marco Pilotti et al. Screening of safe soybean cultivars for cadmium contaminated fields ▶ Yang Zhi, Ting Sun, Qixing Zhou et al. Variability of coherent and incoherent features of internal tides in the north South China Sea ▶ Bingtian Li, Zexun Wei, Xinyi Wang et al. Factors controlling the spatial distribution of soil organic carbon in Daxing’anling Mountain ▶ Junyao Li, Dongyou Zhang, Mei Liu Anchoring the Late Devonian mass extinction in absolute time by integrating climatic controls and radio-isotopic dating ▶ Anne-Christine Da Silva, Matthias Sinnesael, Philippe Claeys et al. Fractionation of carbon and hydrogen isotopes of TSR-altered gas products under closed system pyrolysis ▶ Quanyou Liu, Weilong Peng, Qingqiang Meng et al. Importance of a vertically tilting structure for energizing the North Atlantic Oscillation ▶ Patrick Martineau, Hisashi Nakamura, Yu Kosaka et al. Physical and mechanical properties of wood and their geographic variations in Larix sibirica trees naturally grown in Mongolia ▶ Bayasaa Tumenjargal, Futoshi Ishiguri, Haruna Aiso et al. BROWSE MORE Earth & Environmental Sciences ARTICLES ONLINE ▶ Health Sciences Disturbances in primary dental enamel in Polish autistic children ▶ Marta Kurek, Beata Borowska, Beata Lubowiedzka-Gontarek et al. Geographic variation in cardiometabolic risk factor prevalence explained by area-level disadvantage in the Illawarra-Shoalhaven region of the NSW, Australia ▶ Renin Toms, Darren J. Mayne, Xiaoqi Feng et al. The relationship between blood metabolites of the tryptophan pathway and kidney function: a bidirectional Mendelian randomization analysis ▶ Yurong Cheng, Yong Li, Paula Benkowitz et al. ABCC8 mRNA expression is an independent prognostic factor for glioma and can predict chemosensitivity ▶ Kaijia Zhou, Yanwei Liu, Zheng Zhao et al. Serum levels of cytokines in infants treated with conbercept for retinopathy of prematurity ▶ Yong Cheng, Xuemei Zhu, Dandan Linghu et al. Can increasing years of schooling reduce type 2 diabetes (T2D)?: Evidence from a Mendelian randomization of T2D and 10 of its risk factors ▶ Charleen D. Adams, Brian B. Boutwell Association between inflammatory bowel disease and bullous pemphigoid: a population-based case–control study ▶ Yi-Ju Chen, Chao-Kuei Juan, Yun-Ting Chang et al. LH supplementation of ovarian stimulation protocols influences follicular fluid steroid composition contributing to the improvement of ovarian response in poor responder women ▶ S. Marchiani, L. Tamburrino, F. Benini et al. Anti-nucleosome antibodies increase the risk of renal relapse in a prospective cohort of patients with clinically inactive systemic lupus erythematosus ▶ Norma Alejandra Rodriguez-Jimenez, Edsaul Emilio Perez-Guerrero, Jorge Ivan Gamez-Nava et al. Bioactive glass granules S53P4 in osteotomy Le Fort I ▶ Eduardo Luis de Souza Cruz, Fernando Jordão de Souza, Lucas Machado de Menezes et al. Summary of discordant results between rapid diagnosis tests, microscopy, and polymerase chain reaction for detecting Plasmodium mixed infection: a systematic review and meta-analysis ▶ Manas Kotepui, Kwuntida Uthaisar Kotepui, Giovanni De Jesus Milanez et al. Methyl-donor supplementation prevents intestinal colonization by Adherent-Invasive E. coli in a mouse model of Crohn’s disease ▶ Elodie Gimier, Mélissa Chervy, Allison Agus et al. Current prevalence of perioperative early venous thromboembolism and risk factors in Chinese adult patients with inguinal hernia (CHAT-1) ▶ Minggang Wang, Guangyong Zhang, Jie Chen et al. Development and long-term evaluation of a new 68Ge/68Ga generator based on nano-SnO2 for PET imaging ▶ Eduardo Romero, Alfonso Martínez, Marta Oteo et al. The performance of anthropometric tools to determine obesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis ▶ Isolde Sommer, Birgit Teufer, Monika Szelag et al. Unbiased identification of novel subclinical imaging biomarkers using unsupervised deep learning ▶ Sebastian M. Waldstein, Philipp Seeböck, René Donner et al. Occupational exposures and genetic susceptibility to occupational exposures are related to sickness absence in the Lifelines cohort study ▶ Md. Omar Faruque, Kim De Jong, Judith M. Vonk et al. Metagenomic analysis of gut microbiota in non-treated plaque psoriasis patients stratified by disease severity: development of a new Psoriasis-Microbiome Index ▶ Ignacio Dei-Cas, Florencia Giliberto, Leonela Luce et al. Feasibility of free-breathing quantitative myocardial perfusion using multi-echo Dixon magnetic resonance imaging ▶ Cian M. Scannell, Teresa Correia, Adriana D. M. Villa et al. Efficacy of combined orthokeratology and 0.01% atropine solution for slowing axial elongation in children with myopia: a 2-year randomised trial ▶ Nozomi Kinoshita, Yasuhiro Konno, Naoki Hamada et al. BROWSE MORE Health Sciences ARTICLES ONLINE ▶ ΠΗΓΗ: NATURE, 4 August 2020. ΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ, 4.8.2020. ΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ See Full Bio Related ΓΑΜΟΣ Το παραδοσιακό γαμήλιο κανίσκι της Κρήτης βρέθηκε σε Γραμμική Β γραφή σε ανασκαφή στα Χανιά – του Μ. Τσικριτσή Του δρ. Μηνά Τσικριτσή, ερευνητή Αιγαιακών Γραφών Η πρόσφατη ανακοίνωση... 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