19 Αυγούστου, 2020 NATURE, Scientific Reports, 18 August 2020 μερίδιο FacebookTwitterPinterestWhatsAppLinkedinEmailTelegramCopy URL Biological Sciences Environmental unpredictability shapes glucocorticoid regulation across populations of tree swallows ▶ Cedric Zimmer, Conor C. Taff, Daniel R. Ardia et al. Active and social life is associated with lower non-social fearfulness in pet dogs ▶ Emma Hakanen, Salla Mikkola, Milla Salonen et al. The origin of early Acheulean expansion in Europe 700 ka ago: new findings at Notarchirico (Italy) ▶ Marie-Hélène Moncel, Carmen Santagata, Alison Pereira et al. Long-read assays shed new light on the transcriptome complexity of a viral pathogen ▶ Dóra Tombácz, István Prazsák, Zsolt Csabai et al. Influence of 16S rRNA target region on the outcome of microbiome studies in soil and saliva samples ▶ Ana Soriano-Lerma, Virginia Pérez-Carrasco, Manuel Sánchez-Marañón et al. Discovery of small molecules that normalize the transcriptome and enhance cysteine cathepsin activity in progranulin-deficient microglia ▶ Maria A. Telpoukhovskaia, Kai Liu, Faten A. Sayed et al. Outbreak investigation of foot and mouth disease in Nangarhar province of war-torn Afghanistan, 2014 ▶ Abdul Wajid, Mamoona Chaudhry, Hamad Bin Rashid et al. Pathway-specific model estimation for improved pathway annotation by network crosstalk ▶ Miguel Castresana-Aguirre, Erik L. L. Sonnhammer Rapid recovery of locomotor performance after leg loss in harvestmen ▶ Ignacio Escalante, Marc A. Badger, Damian O. Elias Circadian regulation of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathic pain and the underlying transcriptomic landscape ▶ Hee Kee Kim, Sun-Yeul Lee, Nobuya Koike et al. Deletion of DJ-1 in rats affects protein abundance and mitochondrial function at the synapse ▶ Mohannad A. Almikhlafi, Kelly L. Stauch, Lance M. Villeneuve et al. Transthyretin interacts with actin regulators in a Drosophila model of familial amyloid polyneuropathy ▶ Marina I. Oliveira da Silva, Carla S. Lopes, Márcia A. Liz RLP23 is required for Arabidopsis immunity against the grey mould pathogen Botrytis cinerea ▶ Erika Ono, Kazuyuki Mise, Yoshitaka Takano Diagnosis and mortality prediction of sepsis via lysophosphatidylcholine 16:0 measured by MALDI-TOF MS ▶ Eun Hye Lee, Mi Hwa Shin, Jong-Min Park et al. Effect of cereal fermentation and carbohydrase supplementation on growth, nutrient digestibility and intestinal microbiota in liquid-fed grow-finishing pigs ▶ Alberto Torres-Pitarch, Gillian E. Gardiner, Paul Cormican et al. Exploring the potential of TEM analysis for understanding cooking at prehistoric feasting sites ▶ Katie E. Faillace, M. George B. Foody, Richard Madgwick Improving growth properties and phytochemical compounds of Echinacea purpurea (L.) medicinal plant using novel nitrogen slow release fertilizer under greenhouse conditions ▶ Fatemeh Ahmadi, Abbas Samadi, Amir Rahimi Genetic markers and continuity of healthy metabolic status: Tehran cardio-metabolic genetic study (TCGS) ▶ Omid Gharooi Ahangar, Niloufar Javanrouh, Maryam S. Daneshpour et al. Electrical antimicrobial susceptibility testing based on aptamer-functionalized capacitance sensor array for clinical isolates ▶ Kyo-Seok Lee, Sun-Mi Lee, Jeseung Oh et al. HLAs associated with perampanel-induced psychiatric adverse effects in a Korean population ▶ Yoonhyuk Jang, Tae-Joon Kim, Jangsup Moon et al. BROWSE MORE Biological Sciences ARTICLES ONLINE ▶ Chemical Sciences In-situ monitoring of an organic sample with electric field determination during cold plasma jet exposure ▶ Elmar Slikboer, Ana Sobota, Enric Garcia-Caurel et al. Role of Al in Na-ZSM-5 zeolite structure on catalyst stability in butene cracking reaction ▶ Chanon Auepattana-aumrung, Victor Márquez, Sippakorn Wannakao et al. π phase shifter based on NbN-based ferromagnetic Josephson junction on a silicon substrate ▶ Taro Yamashita, Sunmi Kim, Haruki Kato et al. Enhancement of the water-resistance properties of an edible film prepared from mung bean starch via the incorporation of sunflower seed oil ▶ Jung-Soo Lee, Eun-sil Lee, Jaejoon Han Quasicrystalline phase-change memory ▶ Eun-Sung Lee, Joung E. Yoo, Du S. Yoon et al. Robust half-metallicity and magnetic phase transition in Sr2CrReO6 via strain engineering ▶ Qurat-Ul Ain, Shahnila Naseem, Safdar Nazir Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of rechargeable pouch cell batteries: beating the skin depth by excitation and detection via the casing ▶ Stefan Benders, Mohaddese Mohammadi, Christopher A. Klug et al. Highly accurate determination of heterogeneously stacked Van-der-Waals materials by optical microspectroscopy ▶ Andreas Hutzler, Birk Fritsch, Christian D. Matthus et al. Identification of ultrasound imaging markers to quantify long bone regeneration in a segmental tibial defect sheep model in vivo ▶ Songyuan Tang, Peer Shajudeen, Ennio Tasciotti et al. Rapid three-dimensional multiparametric MRI with quantitative transient-state imaging ▶ Pedro A. Gómez, Matteo Cencini, Mohammad Golbabaee et al. Theoretical and experimental investigation of Xenotime-type rare earth phosphate REPO4, (RE = Lu, Yb, Er, Y and Sc) for potential environmental barrier coating applications ▶ Jing Han, Yanfei Wang, Rongjun Liu et al. The control of acidity in tumor cells: a biophysical model ▶ Nicola Piasentin, Edoardo Milotti, Roberto Chignola Adhesion characteristics of solution treated environmental dust ▶ Johnny Ebaika Adukwu, Bekir Sami Yilbas, Almaz S. Jalilov et al. Collective effects of the cost of opinion change ▶ Hendrik Schawe, Laura Hernández Non-invasive in-vivo 3-D imaging of small animals using spatially filtered enhanced truncated-correlation photothermal coherence tomography ▶ Pantea Tavakolian, Sohrab Roointan, Andreas Mandelis Linear response of a superfluid Fermi gas inside its pair-breaking continuum ▶ H. Kurkjian, J. Tempere, S. N. Klimin Nanostructured selenium-doped biphasic calcium phosphate with in situ incorporation of silver for antibacterial applications ▶ Lei Nie, Mengjuan Hou, Tianwen Wang et al. Strategies for rapid reconstruction in 3D MRI with radial data acquisition: 3D fast Fourier transform vs two-step 2D filtered back-projection ▶ Jinil Park, Jeongtaek Lee, Joonyeol Lee et al. Pneumocephalus and air travel: an experimental investigation on the effects of aircraft cabin pressure on intracranial pressure ▶ Ee Lim, Boon Leong Lan, Ean Hin Ooi et al. Impact of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on transcription and metabolite compositions in proliferation and functionalization of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells ▶ Denggao Huang, Yuanhui Gao, Shunlan Wang et al. BROWSE MORE Chemical Sciences ARTICLES ONLINE ▶ Physical Sciences In-situ monitoring of an organic sample with electric field determination during cold plasma jet exposure ▶ Elmar Slikboer, Ana Sobota, Enric Garcia-Caurel et al. Role of Al in Na-ZSM-5 zeolite structure on catalyst stability in butene cracking reaction ▶ Chanon Auepattana-aumrung, Victor Márquez, Sippakorn Wannakao et al. π phase shifter based on NbN-based ferromagnetic Josephson junction on a silicon substrate ▶ Taro Yamashita, Sunmi Kim, Haruki Kato et al. Enhancement of the water-resistance properties of an edible film prepared from mung bean starch via the incorporation of sunflower seed oil ▶ Jung-Soo Lee, Eun-sil Lee, Jaejoon Han Quasicrystalline phase-change memory ▶ Eun-Sung Lee, Joung E. Yoo, Du S. Yoon et al. Robust half-metallicity and magnetic phase transition in Sr2CrReO6 via strain engineering ▶ Qurat-Ul Ain, Shahnila Naseem, Safdar Nazir Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy of rechargeable pouch cell batteries: beating the skin depth by excitation and detection via the casing ▶ Stefan Benders, Mohaddese Mohammadi, Christopher A. Klug et al. Highly accurate determination of heterogeneously stacked Van-der-Waals materials by optical microspectroscopy ▶ Andreas Hutzler, Birk Fritsch, Christian D. Matthus et al. Identification of ultrasound imaging markers to quantify long bone regeneration in a segmental tibial defect sheep model in vivo ▶ Songyuan Tang, Peer Shajudeen, Ennio Tasciotti et al. Rapid three-dimensional multiparametric MRI with quantitative transient-state imaging ▶ Pedro A. Gómez, Matteo Cencini, Mohammad Golbabaee et al. Theoretical and experimental investigation of Xenotime-type rare earth phosphate REPO4, (RE = Lu, Yb, Er, Y and Sc) for potential environmental barrier coating applications ▶ Jing Han, Yanfei Wang, Rongjun Liu et al. The control of acidity in tumor cells: a biophysical model ▶ Nicola Piasentin, Edoardo Milotti, Roberto Chignola Adhesion characteristics of solution treated environmental dust ▶ Johnny Ebaika Adukwu, Bekir Sami Yilbas, Almaz S. Jalilov et al. Collective effects of the cost of opinion change ▶ Hendrik Schawe, Laura Hernández Non-invasive in-vivo 3-D imaging of small animals using spatially filtered enhanced truncated-correlation photothermal coherence tomography ▶ Pantea Tavakolian, Sohrab Roointan, Andreas Mandelis Linear response of a superfluid Fermi gas inside its pair-breaking continuum ▶ H. Kurkjian, J. Tempere, S. N. Klimin Nanostructured selenium-doped biphasic calcium phosphate with in situ incorporation of silver for antibacterial applications ▶ Lei Nie, Mengjuan Hou, Tianwen Wang et al. Strategies for rapid reconstruction in 3D MRI with radial data acquisition: 3D fast Fourier transform vs two-step 2D filtered back-projection ▶ Jinil Park, Jeongtaek Lee, Joonyeol Lee et al. Pneumocephalus and air travel: an experimental investigation on the effects of aircraft cabin pressure on intracranial pressure ▶ Ee Lim, Boon Leong Lan, Ean Hin Ooi et al. Impact of low-intensity pulsed ultrasound on transcription and metabolite compositions in proliferation and functionalization of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells ▶ Denggao Huang, Yuanhui Gao, Shunlan Wang et al. BROWSE MORE Physical Sciences ARTICLES ONLINE ▶ Earth & Environmental Sciences Deep versus shallow sources of CO2 and Rn from a multi-parametric approach: the case of the Nisyros caldera (Aegean Arc, Greece) ▶ Giulio Bini, Giovanni Chiodini, Carlo Lucchetti et al. Polyaniline/Ag nanoparticles/graphene oxide nanocomposite fluorescent sensor for recognition of chromium (VI) ions ▶ Shaker Ebrahim, Azza Shokry, M. M. A. Khalil et al. The conversion of forestland into agricultural land without appropriate measures to conserve SOM leads to the degradation of physical and rheological soil properties ▶ Miodrag Tolimir, Branka Kresović, Ljubomir Životić et al. Valorisation of agricultural biomass-ash with CO2 ▶ Colin D. Hills, Nimisha Tripathi, Raj S. Singh et al. New AMS 14C dates track the arrival and spread of broomcorn millet cultivation and agricultural change in prehistoric Europe ▶ Dragana Filipović, John Meadows, Marta Dal Corso et al. Life cycle assessment of polyphenols extraction processes from waste biomass ▶ George Barjoveanu, Oana-Alexandra Pătrăuțanu, Carmen Teodosiu et al. Increased likelihood of heat-induced large wildfires in the Mediterranean Basin ▶ Julien Ruffault, Thomas Curt, Vincent Moron et al. Netting and pan traps fail to identify the pollinator guild of an agricultural crop ▶ K. J. Boyer, F. P. Fragoso, M. E. Dieterich Mabin et al. Pit lakes from Southern Sweden: natural radioactivity and elementary characterization ▶ J. Mantero, R. Thomas, E. Holm et al. The Oligo–Miocene closure of the Tethys Ocean and evolution of the proto-Mediterranean Sea ▶ Adi Torfstein, Josh Steinberg Risk of shoreline hardening and associated beach loss peaks before mid-century: Oʻahu, Hawaiʻi ▶ Kammie-Dominique Tavares, Charles H. Fletcher, Tiffany R. Anderson Climate change impact on flood and extreme precipitation increases with water availability ▶ Hossein Tabari Adaptation in U.S. Corn Belt increases resistance to soil carbon loss with climate change ▶ Yao Zhang, Ernie Marx, Stephen Williams et al. BROWSE MORE Earth & Environmental Sciences ARTICLES ONLINE ▶ Health Sciences Evaluation of biochemical and hematological parameters in adults with Down syndrome ▶ David de Gonzalo-Calvo, Isabel Barroeta, Madalina Nicoleta Nan et al. Altered levels of BMD, PRL, BAP and TRACP-5b in male chronic patients with schizophrenia ▶ Xiangdong Du, Fei Ye, Jin Li et al. Changes in the plasma microvesicle proteome during the ovarian hyperstimulation phase of assisted reproductive technology ▶ Nina Olausson, Fariborz Mobarrez, Roman Zubarev et al. Menthol can be safely applied to improve thermal perception during physical exercise: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials ▶ Patrik Keringer, Nelli Farkas, Noemi Gede et al. Mediating effect of soluble B-cell activation immune markers on the association between anthropometric and lifestyle factors and lymphoma development ▶ Fatemeh Saberi Hosnijeh, Pieter M. Kolijn, Delphine Casabonne et al. Identification of ultrasound imaging markers to quantify long bone regeneration in a segmental tibial defect sheep model in vivo ▶ Songyuan Tang, Peer Shajudeen, Ennio Tasciotti et al. Insights on small molecule binding to the Hv1 proton channel from free energy calculations with molecular dynamics simulations ▶ Victoria T. Lim, Andrew D. Geragotelis, Nathan M. Lim et al. Comparison of modular and nonmodular tapered fluted titanium stems in femoral revision hip arthroplasty: a minimum 6-year follow-up study ▶ Shuo Feng, Yu Zhang, Yu-Hang Bao et al. Regulation of colonic epithelial cell homeostasis by mTORC1 ▶ Takenori Kotani, Jajar Setiawan, Tasuku Konno et al. Collagen VIα2 chain deficiency causes trabecular bone loss by potentially promoting osteoclast differentiation through enhanced TNFα signaling ▶ Hai T. Pham, Vardit Kram, Qurratul-Ain Dar et al. Early postoperative seizures (EPS) in patients undergoing brain tumour surgery ▶ Tunc Faik Ersoy, Sami Ridwan, Alexander Grote et al. Molecular evolution of coxsackievirus A24v in Cuba over 23-years, 1986–2009 ▶ Magilé C. Fonseca, Mario Pupo-Meriño, Luis A. García-González et al. Chemical p38 MAP kinase inhibition constrains tissue inflammation and improves antibiotic activity in Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected mice ▶ Christoph Hölscher, Jessica Gräb, Alexandra Hölscher et al. Six to 12-year outcomes of magnetic sphincter augmentation for gastroesophageal reflux disease ▶ Davide Ferrari, Emanuele Asti, Veronica Lazzari et al. The preclinical amyloid sensitive composite to determine subtle cognitive differences in preclinical Alzheimer’s disease ▶ Alice Hahn, Young Ju Kim, Hee Jin Kim et al. A novel nomogram model for differentiating Kawasaki disease from sepsis ▶ Xiao-Ping Liu, Yi-Shuang Huang, Ho-Chang Kuo et al. A single-center retrospective safety analysis of cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 inhibitors concurrent with radiation therapy in metastatic breast cancer patients ▶ Andrea Emanuele Guerini, Sara Pedretti, Emiliano Salah et al. Risk factors for the deterioration of periventricular–intraventricular hemorrhage in preterm infants ▶ Tian Wu, Yan Wang, Tao Xiong et al. Intra-articular corticosteroid knee injection induces a reduction in meniscal thickness with no treatment effect on cartilage volume: a case–control study ▶ Jean-Pierre Pelletier, Jean-Pierre Raynauld, François Abram et al. Contrast sensitivity and retinal straylight after alcohol consumption: effects on driving performance ▶ Miriam Casares-López, José J. Castro-Torres, Francesco Martino et al. BROWSE MORE Health Sciences ARTICLES ONLINE ▶ ΠΗΓΗ: NATURE, ΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ, 18.8.2020 ΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ See Full Bio Related ΑΝΘΡΩΠΟΛΟΓΙΑ Κι όμως… «επιστήμονες» λένε ότι «οι σημερινοί κάτοικοι της Κρήτης έχουν μεγαλύτερη συγγένεια με τους… Βερβέρους, τους… Σημίτες και τους… Ιάπωνες, παρά με τους... Του ανθρωπολόγου Νίκου Πουλιανού Τον Ιανουάριο του 1999, το ιατρικό... ΑΙΓΑΙΟ ΑΡΧΑΙΟ Η Θήρα από την Νεολιθική Εποχή έως την σεισμική καταστροφή στο μοναδικό Μουσείο Προϊστορικής Θήρας Στις προθήκες της αίθουσας Γ του Μουσείου Προϊστορικής Θήρας... ΓΕΩΛΟΓΙΑ Το υποθαλάσσιο ηφαίστειο Κολούμπος Κυκλάδων, είναι το πιο ενεργό όλης της Μεσογείου – του Ά. Τσελέντη Του καθηγητή Άκη Τσελέντη Η ενημέρωση για το σεισμικό δυναμικό... 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