Το μνημείο του Λεωνίδα
στην Μελβούρνη
Του Γιώργου Λεκάκη
Την ανάγλυφη εικόνα (και όχι
προτομή, διότι «προτομή» καλείται μόνον των ζώων – βλ. Αμμώνιος), του αρχαίου βασιλιά
και ήρωα της Σπάρτης, Λεωνίδα, τον ήρωα των Θερμοπυλών, μπορεί να μην την συναντά κανείς σε κάθε πόλη της
Ελλάδος, αλλά θα την βρει στην… Πλατεία Σπάρτης στο Μπράουνσβάικ της Μελβούρνης
προτομή, διότι «προτομή» καλείται μόνον των ζώων – βλ. Αμμώνιος), του αρχαίου βασιλιά
και ήρωα της Σπάρτης, Λεωνίδα, τον ήρωα των Θερμοπυλών, μπορεί να μην την συναντά κανείς σε κάθε πόλη της
Ελλάδος, αλλά θα την βρει στην… Πλατεία Σπάρτης στο Μπράουνσβάικ της Μελβούρνης
Είναι ένα ακόμη γλυπτό έργο,
του περίφημου Έλληνα γλύπτη Πέτρου Γωργαρίου, που στήθηκε στην μακρυνή ήπειρο, στις
του περίφημου Έλληνα γλύπτη Πέτρου Γωργαρίου, που στήθηκε στην μακρυνή ήπειρο, στις
Ιδού τι γράφει ο επίσημος
ιστοχώρος για τα μνημεία της Αυστραλίας:
ιστοχώρος για τα μνημεία της Αυστραλίας:
King Leonidas
The statue of King Leonidas was commissioned by the City of Brunswick to
celebrate the Memorandum of Understanding between Sparta and Brunswick. The
statue which cost $30,000 has been the subject of local controversy.
celebrate the Memorandum of Understanding between Sparta and Brunswick. The
statue which cost $30,000 has been the subject of local controversy.
For many years Brunswick was known as the suburb of Spartans. An influx
of migrants from the Laconian region of Greece, including its capital Sparta,
moved in during the 1950s and 1960s and gave the suburb some of its best
bakeries, cafes and shops. The new residents formed a social organisation
called the Pallaconian Brotherhood.
of migrants from the Laconian region of Greece, including its capital Sparta,
moved in during the 1950s and 1960s and gave the suburb some of its best
bakeries, cafes and shops. The new residents formed a social organisation
called the Pallaconian Brotherhood.
Leonidas was a hero-king of Sparta, the 17th of the Agiad line, one of
the sons of King Anaxandridas II of Sparta, who was believed in mythology to be
a descendant of Heracles, possessing much of the latter’s strength and bravery.
Leonidas I is notable for his leadership at the Battle of Thermopylae.
the sons of King Anaxandridas II of Sparta, who was believed in mythology to be
a descendant of Heracles, possessing much of the latter’s strength and bravery.
Leonidas I is notable for his leadership at the Battle of Thermopylae.
During two full days of battle, the small force led by King Leonidas I
of Sparta blocked the only road by which the massive Persian army could pass.
After the second day of battle, a local resident named Ephialtes betrayed the
Greeks by revealing a small path that led behind the Greek lines. Aware that
his force was being outflanked, Leonidas dismissed the bulk of the Greek army,
and remained to guard the rear with 300 Spartans, 700 Thespians, 400 Thebans
and perhaps a few hundred others, the vast majority of whom were killed.
Leonidas was killed in the battle.
of Sparta blocked the only road by which the massive Persian army could pass.
After the second day of battle, a local resident named Ephialtes betrayed the
Greeks by revealing a small path that led behind the Greek lines. Aware that
his force was being outflanked, Leonidas dismissed the bulk of the Greek army,
and remained to guard the rear with 300 Spartans, 700 Thespians, 400 Thebans
and perhaps a few hundred others, the vast majority of whom were killed.
Leonidas was killed in the battle.
ΔΙΑΒΑΣΤΕ επίσης:
Sparta Place Gets his Leonidas but no Garden
(*) Ευχαριστώ τον φίλο του
ΑΡΧΕΙΟΥ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ, Γιώργο Αναγνωστούδη, για την συμβολή του στην παρούσα
ΑΡΧΕΙΟΥ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ, Γιώργο Αναγνωστούδη, για την συμβολή του στην παρούσα