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EUROPEAN UNION: The Death Rattle of an Unreliable Union – S. V. Siskos

The Death Rattle
of an Unreliable Union 

 By the author Socrates V. Siskos







 (Paraphrasing Aristophanes, we
consider that

 his findings also apply to its

 The European Union. According to

 only the old virtue can save the

 and with it the Athenian


The vision of European citizens for a culturally,
economically and militarily united Europe took on a wider dimension, especially
in the early 19th century, when the first nation-states began to emerge and
empires to collapse. One of the great pioneers of this vision was Victor Hugo.
He believed that the initial creation of a “matrix” by the
Mediterranean countries, which were the nurseries of European culture (Greece,
Italy and France), would be a nucleus for attracting other countries to such a
mainly cultural Union.

The establishment in March 1957 of the European
Economic Community (EEC), despite the initial impetus for economic cooperation
and development, had as its fundamental objective the strengthening of the
common cultural identity of the peoples of Europe, within a Union with a
federal spirit of security and state organization. In short, it would be, with
a gradual evolutionary process of organizing the bodies of power, a single
federal state entity which, based on its pan-European cultural principles and
values, would be the guarantor of the security of its citizens and a lasting
protection and peace in Member States. However, six decades after the
appearance of this honest and good-looking lady (of the EEC), how we came to face
the scarecrow of a deformed and financially greedy Union which, in the
interests of some of its powerful states, threw all its cultural values ​​into
the mud ( culture, true democracy, solidarity, welfare state, etc.). It made
real leaders the bankers and stockbrokers of the “Markets” and even
those who (according to Max Weber) are possessed by “the perverted
instinct” of greed and usury speculation.

It was time for European leaders to alienate
themselves from their people and for the European Union to inevitably begin to
die. None of the three characteristics that distinguish the European citizen,
as Paul Valery enumerated them in 1922 in Zurich, remained unscathed in the
face of the catastrophic cyclone of a new speculative nationalism, which in
fact demolished every trace of European solidarity, despite repeated verbal
declarations of European leaders. The first of these characteristics, Christian
morality, is a meaningless concept in a de-Christianized and socially and
demographically degenerate Europe, compared to other vital and dynamic cultures
(Jewish, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu), despite the disadvantages of some of them in
matters of individual rights and authoritarianism of their political regimes.
These codes of European ethics are applied with respect, out of fear or for
reasons of interest and strategy, to other religions and cultures but with
negative dimensions as far as Christianity is concerned. In practice, a
conversion of a Roman Empire temple like the Hagia Sophia (a cultural symbol of
European history) is politically and culturally tolerated, with mere
hypocritical weak protests, while at the same time in Europe mosques are blooming
freely. Many years ago I read in “Le Monde” an article entitled
“France, terre d’Islam”, in which there was information about the
suspicious way of staffing the mosques with “imported” mullahs and
muezzins, while at the same time the mosques in Paris were more than Christian churches.
None of these mosques were converted into churches, such as Hagia Sophia and
dozens of other Christian churches in Turkey. Fear also forced European
“progressive” writers, journalists and cartoonists to express their
“unfettered” only with anti-Christian texts and sketches, especially after
the threat of execution of author Salman Rushdie for his “Satanic
Lyrics” and the terrible blood-stained massacre in “Hebdo
Charlie”. In Greece and in the rest of Europe we see Christ with women’s
earrings and lipstick or Mary Magdalene in the role of a prostitute, but no
sketches of Muhammad or any blasphemy about the Koran. The democratic heroism
of some ideologues of the media and art is limited to acts of unilateral
intolerance to anti-religious extremes, for one of the foundations of European
culture. European politics and social life in general are completely cut off
from any notion of Christian ethics. The supreme cultural element is “MONEY”.
Europe is now, according to an earlier statement of the well-known Islamic
scholar Tariq Ramadan, mature enough to accept Islam and thus fill the gap in
the non-existence of a social ethic.

The second characteristic, which is the inheritance of
the wealth of a Roman legal system, was replaced by the penal system imposed on
Europe by the “charitable capitalism” of the high priests of money
(Bill Cates, Warren Buffet, George Soros, etc.). With this system the
“philanthropic businessman” earns huge sums with his noble work. The
analysis of this process can be found in wonderful and honest journalistic
research, such as e.g. the systematic research work of French journalist Lionel
Astruc on Bill Cates. Suffice it to say here that “speculative
humanism” sometimes reaches the limits of paranoia. A criminal can kill
100 or 200 people and be released in 15 or 20 years. The life of the criminal
is precious, according to the joke that civilized “society does not take
revenge”, while giving other criminals the tacit message that society
treats victims (and victims’ families) as mere numbers. This business charity
is clearer in immigration. The real refugees are an insignificant clientele.
That is why the illegal immigrants were baptized refugees. In the Greek
islands, the Non-Governmental Organizations of G. Soros raged, in collaboration
with the smugglers, for the entry of illegal immigrants from all the countries
of Asia and Africa. Big numbers of people bring more money to
“philanthropists”. A lot of legal dollars for NGOs and illegal for
traffickers, in relation to the number of incoming immigrants in Europe. The
compound Greek word “charity” (ie the Love for Man), is in the
globalized new order of things “give and take” a new kind of slave
trade and political arrangements. The new sultan of Turkey who seeks, with new
conquests, to resurrect the Ottoman Empire, with masterful cunning
“collects” the Turkish immigrants from Syria and Iraq “as
foreigners”. He also tacitly invites volunteers / migrants from Morocco,
Algeria, Somalia and other African countries with cheap airline tickets, and
after baptizing them, according to incoherent European sensitivities, as
refugees, blackmails the European Union into speculation and conditions in a
helpless and terrorized Europe. The resistance that Greece alone put up on the
river Evros and repelled in 2019 an organized invasion of Europe of 130
thousand Muslim illegal immigrants, shows the possibilities, at low cost, for
the EU to deal with immigration. They offered € 6 billion to Turkey and are
still passively tolerating the blackmail of the Turkish sultan, while perhaps
with 1 billion he could shield and make the European borders invincible in such
extortionate methods.

 According to Valery, the third characteristic
of the European, is the ancient Greek heritage with its human philosophical and
cultural face. Many countries of this European heritage, without a trace of
cultural past, try to “share its clothes” with imaginary theories
that are not based on documented sources (history, archeology, epigraphy,
linguistics, numismatics, etc.). From the Nazi theory of the 1930s to the
“Northern (German) Ancient Greeks” who survived to this day, while in
Greece they disappeared “without a drop of blood left by Plato, Socrates or
Pericles, from “Black Athena” By Martin Bernal on the African roots of
Greeks and Greek culture, from the Turkish of the University of Ankara for
“their own poet Homer” who recited (in Greek) his anti-Greek
“Iliad” and the Stalinist discovery that Alexander the Great was a
Slav, and the cultural deceptions accepted by the political (not scientific)
European elite are innumerable. Even today, when Bulgaria protests in the EU
that the so-called Macedonian language created in Tito’s Yugoslav linguistic
laboratories is officially considered Bulgarian (because even the simplest
linguistic test proves to be Bulgarian), is considered racist. Fraud theories
triumph! Europe naively saws the cultural branch of the tree on which it sits!
European culture does not seem to be an essential element in European
transnational affairs. We go back to the time of Metternich, when Eastern
Europe was under Turkish occupation and the Austrian Foreign Minister declared
that “Europa ist geinischer Ausdruck – Europe is a geographical expression”.

In the background of diplomatic and transnational
relations, the EU is a dark field of intrigue and contradiction, focusing on
the economic and geostrategic interests of each Member State. Ultimately, the
interests of the most powerful states prevail. The lack of corporate solidarity
is deafening. The EU clergy hypocritically shouts about the individual rights
and the dictatorial tactics of the leaders of Iran, Venezuela, or Belarus,
while Turkey is considered a democracy that will protect Europe from the Russian
threat. They do not see the plans of Turkish leaders (and not only Erdogan) for
“a homeland of their hearts and a blue homeland” starting in Vienna
or beyond Vienna, to also include the once Muslim Iberian Peninsula. They
forget the methodical genocides of the Armenians, the Greeks of Pontus and also
the Christian Assyrians, which began in 1915 and continued with the terrible
pogrom of blood and destruction of 1955, which contributed to the almost
complete disappearance of the Greek minority in Constantinople. Of the 150
thousand Greeks of the Treaty of Lausanne, only 2 or 3 thousand remained. The
corresponding Muslim population in Greek Western Thrace increased from 80 to
about 140 thousand. This minority wants (with a demonstration of unparalleled audacity)
to be “protected” by the Greeks by Sultan Tayyip Erdogan. It is the
richest Muslim minority in Europe, elects members of the Greek Parliament, the
“Sharia” regime for family matters applies and there are hundreds of
mosques maintained by the Greek state.

The humiliation that European leaders receive from the
Turkish president shows the degree of indignity that the Brussels priesthood
has reached. He threatens the EU, curses the President of France, behaves
arrogantly and indecently towards senior officials of the Commission, threatens
to “disappear” Greece by force of arms and attempts a new invasion of
Cyprus. It does not recognize Cyprus as an EU state, maintains an occupying
army on the island, but protests in Germany if Cyprus has objections to the
payment of aid to its Turkish “ally”. He claims with mastery (as a
“Special Neutral” in World War II, drawn up with the victors on the
day of the defeat and subjugation of Nazi Germany) that he was armed to protect
Europe from Russia. The same strategy of propaganda deception and double play!
Besides, its relations with Russia are excellent.

Malicious intentions cannot be hidden, but many
“partners” in the EU are blunt. A fully equipped army and about 200 landing
crafts (the largest craft in the world) are located opposite to the Greek
islands. Is it to protect Europe from Russia? He considers these islands (under
the law of violence and force) as Turkish. But for thousands of years these
islands were inhabited by Greeks. After 400 years of Ottoman occupation, the
presence of Greeks in the islands of the Eastern Aegean was strong and
continuous. When Delacroix painted “Slaughter in Chios”, the island
was still under Turkish occupation. And yet it was inhabited by Greeks. For
these Greek islands there is no guarantee of dynamic security and corporate
protection against a Turkish aggression.

For these Greek islands there is no guarantee of
dynamic security and corporate protection from the EU against a Turkish
aggression. This distancing and apparent circumvention of Community solidarity,
one of the founding principles of the Union, further worsens the overall
picture of the allied cohesion of the Member States, from the absurd fact of
strengthening a third state threatening war between two states. In addition to
the powerful Russian S-400 anti-missile system, Turkey is also building six
state-of-the-art German technology submarines, while Spain is involved in the
construction and supply of technology to the Turkish aircraft carrier Anadolu,
which is a weapons system with tremendous destructive potential in the event of
an aggressive war. Germany, Spain and Italy are Turkey’s largest arms
suppliers, and if Greece refuses to succumb to the dictator’s neo-Ottoman
threats and leads to a Greek-Turkish conflict, these “corporate weapons”
will lead to the death of thousands of Greeks. That is why the three major EU
countries are reacting to the imposition of economic sanctions on Turkey
(mainly weapons systems), encouraging Turkish aggression by indirectly
facilitating the neo-Ottoman policy of the living space (of Hitler’s
“Lebensraum”) in the Aegean and in the Eastern Mediterranean to the
detriment of Greece and Cyprus. Is this huge, on-fire, offensive equipment
being used to bolster NATO in the face of the Russian threat? Wonderful arguments
for idiot and naïve people! Here is the saying of Napoleon, who begged God
“to protect him from his friends (and partners!), Because he could protect
himself from his enemies.” We are trapped in a derailed and greedy for profits
union, which betrays friends and allies for “thirty pieces of

The situation is reminiscent of Hitler’s 1938
intentions in Munich for “Living Space” and the sacrifice of
Czechoslovakia by European leaders “to avoid war”. At the time,
Daladier was hailed as a “savior of peace” and Chamberlain called
Hitler a “gentleman!” Today, the leaders of the European Union
consider the Turkish president a democrat and an ally, in order to protect all
together (including Greece) with NATO the “Democracy of the Free
World”. What Turkish Republic are we talking about! Do not EU leaders see
the regime of terror and covert dictatorship, the thousands of imprisonments
and mock trials of “dissidents” or the hundreds of arrests of
journalists and writers? O tempora! O mores !, as Cicero would say. Hypocrisy

Let the leaders of today and tomorrow not betray the
vision of the European peoples for a European Union of democracy, culture,
solidarity, prosperity, and peace. Unless Europe becomes a culturally, economically,
and militarily solid democratic superpower with equality and solidarity, will
be fatally driven from the death rattle to self-euthanasia. The laws of nature
and history are relentless. The winners belong exclusively to the culturally
and ideologically cohesive and homogeneous groups of states.


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