Άνθρωποι έτρωγαν και λύκους,
πριν 30.000 χρόνια…
Του Γιώργου Λεκάκη
Ο Piotr Wojtal της Πολωνικής
Ακαδημίας Επιστημών εντόπισε σφαγμένα οστά λύκου, μεταξύ μιας συλλογής
αντικειμένων και εργαλείων φωτιάς και οστών 30.000 χρόνων, που ανακαλύφθηκαν στα
χωριά Pavlov και Dolní Věstonice, στην νυν έκταση της Τσεχίας.
Ακαδημίας Επιστημών εντόπισε σφαγμένα οστά λύκου, μεταξύ μιας συλλογής
αντικειμένων και εργαλείων φωτιάς και οστών 30.000 χρόνων, που ανακαλύφθηκαν στα
χωριά Pavlov και Dolní Věstonice, στην νυν έκταση της Τσεχίας.
(Σημειώνω πως στο Dolní Vestonice έχουν βρεθεί γλυπτά έργα τέχνης του ανθρώπου 29.000 και 26.000 χρόνων).
«Μέχρι τώρα, οι επιστήμονες
ήταν πεπεισμένοι ότι οι λύκοι και άλλα αρπακτικά, ήταν στόχος των κυνηγών
κυρίως για το δέρμα τους, και σίγουρα όχι ως πηγή κρέατος», δήλωσε ο κ. Wojtal.
ήταν πεπεισμένοι ότι οι λύκοι και άλλα αρπακτικά, ήταν στόχος των κυνηγών
κυρίως για το δέρμα τους, και σίγουρα όχι ως πηγή κρέατος», δήλωσε ο κ. Wojtal.
Μερικά από τα σημάδια στα
οστά του λύκου ήταν το αποτέλεσμα της αφαίρεσης του δέρματος, εξήγησε, αλλά
άλλα σημάδια σχετίζονται μόνο με την κατάτμηση ενός σφαγίου σε κομμάτια.
οστά του λύκου ήταν το αποτέλεσμα της αφαίρεσης του δέρματος, εξήγησε, αλλά
άλλα σημάδια σχετίζονται μόνο με την κατάτμηση ενός σφαγίου σε κομμάτια.
Ο κ. Wojtal και η ομάδα του
εντόπισαν επίσης τα λείψανα λεονταριών και αρκούδων, τα οστά των οποίων έφεραν
επίσης σημάδια σφαγής για το δέρμα τους. Ο χώρος ήταν σφαγείο, δηλαδή.
εντόπισαν επίσης τα λείψανα λεονταριών και αρκούδων, τα οστά των οποίων έφεραν
επίσης σημάδια σφαγής για το δέρμα τους. Ο χώρος ήταν σφαγείο, δηλαδή.
«Επομένως, το κρέας αυτών των
μεγάλων αρπακτικών το έτρωγαν οι κυνηγοί της παλαιολιθικής Εποχής», εξήγησε.
μεγάλων αρπακτικών το έτρωγαν οι κυνηγοί της παλαιολιθικής Εποχής», εξήγησε.
Πάντως είναι γνωστό ότι, η
κρεατοφαγία στον άνθρωπο ξεκινά πριν από 3.000.000 χρόνια…
κρεατοφαγία στον άνθρωπο ξεκινά πριν από 3.000.000 χρόνια…
ΠΗΓΗ: Piotr Wojtal, Jiří Svoboda, MartinaRoblíčková,
Jarosław Wilczyński «Carnivores in the everyday life of Gravettian hunters-gatherers in Central Europe», Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, vol.
59, Σεπτ. 2020, DOI, 101171. PAP, Sz. Zdziebłowski «European Ice Age Hunters Ate Wolf Meat, Say Scientists»,
21.5.2020. ΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ, 22.5.2020.
Jarosław Wilczyński «Carnivores in the everyday life of Gravettian hunters-gatherers in Central Europe», Journal of Anthropological Archaeology, vol.
59, Σεπτ. 2020, DOI, 101171. PAP, Sz. Zdziebłowski «European Ice Age Hunters Ate Wolf Meat, Say Scientists»,
21.5.2020. ΑΡΧΕΙΟΝ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΣΜΟΥ, 22.5.2020.
Carnivores in the everyday life of Gravettian hunters-gatherers in
Central Europe
Central Europe
• Carnivores had an important meaning in the lives of Gravettian
• Carnivores were a source of hides, raw materials and food for the
Gravettian hunters-gatherers.
Gravettian hunters-gatherers.
• The hunting of bears and cave lions was certainly not accidental but
intentional during Gravettian.
intentional during Gravettian.
Insights into human life in Central Europe at ~30–20,000 years ago have
come from studies of archaeological and paleontological materials in Czechia,
Poland, and Slovakia, including assemblages from sites such as Dolní Věstonice
I and II, Pavlov I, Kraków Spadzista, Jaksice II, and Moravany–Lopata II.
Pavlovian mammal bone assemblages from settlements in South Moravia are
dominated by small (birds, hares, foxes) and medium sized animals (wolves,
reindeer, wolverines), but bones of large mammals also occur (bears, cave
lions, horses, and mammoths, which dominate in the adjacent bone deposits),
showing the wide spectrum of the hunters’ prey choices. Late Gravettian
localities show an apparent trend towards specialization in hunting. Clear
exemplars are Kraków Spadzista and Milovice I, where mammoth remains dominate
the osteological material. At both, Pavlovian and Late Gravettian sites large
numbers of carnivore remains have been found, including bones of small taxa
(such as foxes), medium sized taxa (wolves and wolverines), and largest
carnivores (bears and cave lions). Osteological assemblages from Central
European Gravettian open-air sites lack remains of cave hyenas because this
species went extinct in Central Europe between 40 and 30 thousand years ago.
come from studies of archaeological and paleontological materials in Czechia,
Poland, and Slovakia, including assemblages from sites such as Dolní Věstonice
I and II, Pavlov I, Kraków Spadzista, Jaksice II, and Moravany–Lopata II.
Pavlovian mammal bone assemblages from settlements in South Moravia are
dominated by small (birds, hares, foxes) and medium sized animals (wolves,
reindeer, wolverines), but bones of large mammals also occur (bears, cave
lions, horses, and mammoths, which dominate in the adjacent bone deposits),
showing the wide spectrum of the hunters’ prey choices. Late Gravettian
localities show an apparent trend towards specialization in hunting. Clear
exemplars are Kraków Spadzista and Milovice I, where mammoth remains dominate
the osteological material. At both, Pavlovian and Late Gravettian sites large
numbers of carnivore remains have been found, including bones of small taxa
(such as foxes), medium sized taxa (wolves and wolverines), and largest
carnivores (bears and cave lions). Osteological assemblages from Central
European Gravettian open-air sites lack remains of cave hyenas because this
species went extinct in Central Europe between 40 and 30 thousand years ago.
The significant numbers of remains show that carnivores had an important
meaning in the lives of people occupying the sites. Acquiring animal hides was
possibly the main reason for the hunting of carnivores, which is supported by
skinning-related cut marks left on bones from different carnivores, such as
wolf, wolverine, and cave lion. However, other body parts of carnivores were
also used by Pavlovian hunters. Carnivore bones were used to make tools (e.g.,
awls), and the teeth of wolf and fox were used to make personal ornaments
(pendants). We point out the presence of cut marks at Moravian sites made
during carcass dismembering of foxes, wolves, and wolverines, indicating these
carnivores were also a source of food for the hunters-gatherers. The wolf,
wolverine, and foxes undoubtedly were important prey during the entire span of
the Gravettian. However, in art and symbolism, Paleolithic hunters neglected
these smaller predators and preferred the largest and most dangerous ones such
as lions and bears. Lastly, we emphasize that hunters were capable to hunt even
the largest carnivores (bears and lions), which were also important prey.
meaning in the lives of people occupying the sites. Acquiring animal hides was
possibly the main reason for the hunting of carnivores, which is supported by
skinning-related cut marks left on bones from different carnivores, such as
wolf, wolverine, and cave lion. However, other body parts of carnivores were
also used by Pavlovian hunters. Carnivore bones were used to make tools (e.g.,
awls), and the teeth of wolf and fox were used to make personal ornaments
(pendants). We point out the presence of cut marks at Moravian sites made
during carcass dismembering of foxes, wolves, and wolverines, indicating these
carnivores were also a source of food for the hunters-gatherers. The wolf,
wolverine, and foxes undoubtedly were important prey during the entire span of
the Gravettian. However, in art and symbolism, Paleolithic hunters neglected
these smaller predators and preferred the largest and most dangerous ones such
as lions and bears. Lastly, we emphasize that hunters were capable to hunt even
the largest carnivores (bears and lions), which were also important prey.
ΛΕΞΕΙΣ: ανθρωπος, λυκος, 30.000 χρονια πριν, Πολωνικη
Ακαδημια Επιστημων, σφαγη, οστο λυκου, εργαλειο, φωτια, οστουν, 30.000 χρονων, Παβλωφ, Παβλοφ, Ντολνι Βεστονιτσε, Τσεχια, λυκοι, αρπακτικα, κυνηγος, δερμα, κρεας, οστα, σφαγιο, λεονταρι, αρκουδα, σφαγειο, αρπακτικο, παλαιολιθικη Εποχη, κρεατοφαγια, κρεοφαγια, 3.000.000 χρονια πριν
Ακαδημια Επιστημων, σφαγη, οστο λυκου, εργαλειο, φωτια, οστουν, 30.000 χρονων, Παβλωφ, Παβλοφ, Ντολνι Βεστονιτσε, Τσεχια, λυκοι, αρπακτικα, κυνηγος, δερμα, κρεας, οστα, σφαγιο, λεονταρι, αρκουδα, σφαγειο, αρπακτικο, παλαιολιθικη Εποχη, κρεατοφαγια, κρεοφαγια, 3.000.000 χρονια πριν