The Bridges Collection was donated to the University of St Andrews by Mrs M. Bridges of St Andrews. Several cultural periods of Cyprus are represented by the artefacts of the collection. The Bronze and Iron Ages are very well represented with a variety of terracotta polished ware bowls, jugs, and figurines. The Byzantine period is also represented through a good selection of Sgraffiato ware dishes.
This exhibit will first introduce you to the idea behind the Virtual Museum project. Then each page will navagate the view throughout the Bridges Collection as a whole, introducing several of the artefacts in the collection through the multiple phases which it represents. Spanning an impressive vareity of time periods, it begins with Early and Middle Bronze Age Cyprus, passing through the Iron Age, Roman, and finally including the Byzantine period.
More than this, however, this site will attempt to further explore several themes within the collection itself, including aspects such as burial practices and trade and manufacture in Cyprus, drawing on outside collections and sources to complete the story.
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